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It was 2am and Kairo and Sevyn were laid up at Kairo's house. Tonight was Friday and Sevyn didn't have class in the morning so she decided to stay with him that night. I pulled Sevyn closer to me, cuddling her, kissing her on her lips. "I missed you." I told her.

She smiled and kissed me back, "I missed you too."

"You bout to have me out here killing niggas for you, why you be playing with a nigga?"

"I'm sorry, baby."

I smacked her ass. "You do that shit again, imma hurt you."

"I won't." She said and I was about to lean in to kiss her again when bullets started flying through my window. Who the fuck knew where he lived? "Sevyn, get down!" I screamed, grabbing my gun out of the dresser and cocking it. I started shooting back out of the now busted window, using the dresser as a shield. Bullets were flying everywhere. Whoever was shooting at him, let off a couple more shots before he heard the tires screech and heard the car driving off. "What the fuck!?" I screamed out loud. He was tired of niggas shooting at him, especially when Sevyn was around. He was sure that now it had to be this nigga, Rocco his father told him about and they needed to handle him quick. I looked out the window to make sure whoever was shooting was really gone. I placed my gun back in the dresser when I saw no one. I walked over to Sevyn on the floor and she was shaking. I picked her up and held her while I sat on the bed with her. I knew she wasn't used to this shit and that's why I couldn't let anything happen to her. He wiped the tears around from her eyes as she wrapped her arms around him, crying into his chest. "Shhh, mama. I got you." He let her cry into his chest some more while he still held her. She finally lifted her head up and wiped her tears away.

"Kairo, you made me a promise and I need to know am I in danger? Who are these people that keep shooting at you? I'm worried about you. I'm worried about me." She began to cry again and I tried to get her to calm down. I finally got her to calm down. She spoke again. "I need to know what you really do, Kairo. You promised me if we got serious you'd let me in. Please?"

Kairo sighed and lifted her chin up with his finger, making her look him in the eyes. "Mama, you sure you ready for this?"

She nodded.

"This is something that only stays between us, okay? I'll start letting you in more and bringing you around more but you can't tell anybody what you see or hear, okay? And anything I tell you stays between us, alright?"

She nodded again.

He sighed. He started to tell her what he really did, as far as selling cocaine with D and how it all started to telling her about Rocco and the motherfuckers that had been shooting at him. He told her that he indeed had to kill people from time to time to survive, remembering that was one question she asked him before. If he was going to tell her what he did, he was going to make sure she knew everything. That's what she wanted, right? When he got done telling her everything, he noticed a look in her eyes that he'd never seen before. He hoped she wasn't scared of him because it indeed looked like fear. "You okay, mama?" I asked her.

She nodded. "So will you kill the people that's shooting at you?"

I looked at her, not sure how to answer that question. He could tell that it bothered her that he told her he killed people. "Do you want me to answer that forreal?"

She nodded.

"If I don't, they'll kill me first. That's just how this game goes, Sevyn. They shot at me twice while you were with me, I'm not feeling that. I told you I'd protect you and that's what I'm gonna do."

He watched as she just sat there, looking at him, she was silent. He was trying to read the look on her face but he couldn't. She finally spoke but what she said surprised him. "I love you." She said.

"I love you too."

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