Chapter 3

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Isabelle Fernandina

Four years had passed since the stormy divorce and here I am having my own life. Enjoying the life that I once never imagined to have.  Life had taken me on an unexpected path, and I find my own way to heal and rebuild. I had opened my own café, a cozy place filled with warmth and the sweet aroma of freshly brewed coffee.

I smiled as I think about the things I've been through before I successfully had the whole place. I wiped down the counter of the quaint little café, my movements as fluid as the calm waters of a serene lake. Once done, I stopped and admired the way the morning sunlight streamed through the windows, casting a warm glow over the cozy space. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the sweet scent of pastries, creating an atmosphere that invited patrons to linger and indulge in the simple pleasures of life.

I prided myself on my meticulous attention to detail, ensuring that every cup of coffee I served was a work of art. Since the day I started to cherish my freedom, I put up my dream business and it successfully landed off. Mystic Brew Manor was born. For four years now, it had become not just a job, but a sanctuary for me, a safe haven where I could pour my passion and love into every cup. It was a place where the world outside paused, and people sought refuge amidst the comforting embrace of clinking cups and murmured conversations.

As I am busy doing my usual routine in the café and customers chatted and laughter filled the air, a familiar face caught my eye. My heart thudded against my chest as I recognized the figure striding confidently through the door. It was Arthur, dressed impeccably in a tailored suit, radiating an air of arrogance and power. That momment, I feel like the whole place is in hostage. His dark aura is suffocating the whole place.

The sight of him ignited a mix of emotions within me - surprise, anger, and a hint of longing. The wounds from our past keeps on crushing me, making it fresh again and struggled to contain the tumult of feelings that threatened to consume me. I pushed aside my own emotions as I greeted him with a forced smile.

"Arthur, what a surprise to see you here," I said, my voice tinged with polite detachment.

A smug grin played on Arthur's lips as he looked around the café. "Impressive place you have here, Isabelle. Looks like you've done well for yourself for working at this place."

My grip on the cup I held tightened, my knuckles turning white. I had poured my heart and soul into my café, and I refused to let Arthur belittle my accomplishments.

"Yes, it's been a lot of hard work. I'm proud of myself for putting this café," I replied, my voice laced with determination. "But I've found a sense of fulfillment and happiness in doing what I love."

Arthur's eyes darkened, a flicker of regret crossing his features. But it was quickly masked by a façade of indifference. Now, his eyes is screaming anger and disgust. Why am I receiving those kind of stare from him?

"Well, Isabelle, I'm glad to see you've moved on," he said, his tone dripping with insincerity. "I suppose it was for the best that we went our separate ways."

I felt a surge of anger rise within me. How dare he dismiss our past and act as if it meant nothing? I had spent countless nights crying myself to sleep, questioning my worth, and now he stood before me, oblivious to the pain he had caused.

"Arthur, don't act as if our marriage was inconsequential," I said, my voice steady but full of suppressed emotion. "We both know the damage that was done, the trust that was broken. I've worked hard to rebuild my life, but I can't forget what you had done."

For a moment, a flicker of vulnerability appeared in Arthur's eyes, but it was quickly replaced by a steely resolve.

"Well, I've moved on as well," he retorted, his voice laced with arrogance. "I'm at the top of my game now, and I don't have time for regrets. Besides, moving on without you in my life is the best decision I've made my whole life."

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