Chapter 20

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Arthur Almendras

My heart pounded with a mixture of fear and rage as I paced back and forth in the sterile hospital waiting room. The fact that Isabelle is in the hospital because she was shot by my ex-girlfriend had struck me like a lightning bolt, leaving me filled with a burning anger that threatened to consume my whole being. I clenched my fists, my knuckles turning white as I struggled to keep my emotions in check.

Doctors rushed in and out of the emergency room, their faces masked with a sense of urgency. I felt a wave of frustration wash over me, the helplessness of waiting becoming unbearable. I longed to be by Isabelle's side, to hold her hand and reassure her that everything would be alright. But all I could do right now was wait and pray that she would make it through this ordeal.

With the intention to release my anger and emotions, I punched the wall. "Calm down Arthur, that won't do anything," says my mother who approached me. She tapped my shoulder.

"I'm the reason why Isabelle is unconscious!" I responded, blaming myself.

"No one expected Diane to do this."

"I hate her mom."
With those words, my mother smiled sadly at me. I know that she has something in mind but choose to keep it for herself. I just didn't mind her as my focus is on Isabelle who is fighting for her life.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the doctor emerged from the emergency room. My body tensed as he approached me, my eyes searching for any sign of hope or despair.

"Doctor, how is she? Is Isabelle going to be alright? Is she safe now?" My voice trembled with a mixture of desperation and fury.

The doctor's expression softened as he placed a hand on my shoulder. "She's stable for now, but it was touch and go for a while. The bullet narrowly missed a vital organ, but she's still in critical condition. We're doing everything we can."

"Please, do everything you can to bring her back to me. I'm willing to pay you a sum of money."

The doctor nodded at my words. "It's our job to help her be back to her normal life. But if it's her time to go, we can't do anything even if you give us all your money," the doctor responded.

I nodded in response. A surge of anger coursed through my veins, fueling my determination. "I'll make sure that Diane will not escape from the consequences of what she did. How dare her to hurt my Isabelle!" my voice was laced with a venomous rage. I'll not let Diane go for what she did to Isabelle.

My hands balled into fists, my jaw clenched tightly. The image of Isabelle lying in a hospital bed, fighting for her life, seared into my mind. I swore to myself that I will never let the person responsible go, that I would make them pay for this senseless act of violence.

The doctor just said few more words but I wasn't taking all of it. My focus was centered to Isabelle's condition. Since the time we arrived, she never opened her eyes and wasn't even breathing.

"Don't worry, now that Isabelle is in stable state, I can say that she'll recover as soon as possible," says my mother.

"I want to see Diane," I responded out of nowhere. I wanted to make her pay.

"Arthur, this isn't the right time to think about that woman. You need to think about Isabelle and your son," responds my father. My father's words made me think of my son.

"Where is my son? Does he know about his mother?" I asked.

"Ethan is with Almira and Jimson," my mother replied making me breath in relief. I heaved a deep sigh.

Leaning against the wall for support, I felt a mixture of anger and despair overwhelming me. I couldn't understand how someone could have such hatred towards Isabelle, towards our relationship. The thought of losing her, of not being able to hold her in my arms again, fueled my fury even more.

Once Isabelle was transferred to her room, I immediately joined her. I held her hands, wishing for her fast recovery. "Come on, I still need to pay my debts to you and Ethan." I touched her face and watched as she silently sleeps on the bed.

As I sat in the hospital room, my eyes never leaving Isabelle's pale face, I made a silent promise. I promised myself that I would give her everything once she wake up. I'll never hurt her again and I'll make sure to give her the life, she and our son deserves.

Days turned into weeks as Isabelle fought for her life in the hospital. My anger only grew with each passing day, threatening to consume me. If not because of my son, who always keeps me calm, Diane would have been buried six feet under the ground.

In the midst of my anger and madness, I held on to the hope that Isabelle would pull through. I believed in our love, our unwavering bond that had withstood so much. And as I fought tooth and nail to seek justice, I held on to the belief that our love would ultimately triumph over the darkness that had befallen us.


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