Chapter 24

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Isabelle Fernandina

"Mommy, can I go out with aunt Betty?" asks my son as he lay his hand on my belly. We are currently in the living room. I am sitting comfortably as I watch my son Ethan caressing my belly.

"You go. But, always be careful and be obidient."

"Yes mommy."

"Ethan, baby, where is your dad?" I asked, diverting our conversation.

"In your room talking to uncle Khalil," he replied making me nod.

"Okay, okay. You can go now before aunt Betty will leave you. I'll just wait for your dad to come," I said making my son nod.

After those words came out my mouth, he finally turned on his heels and walked away. My son really like Betty a lot. He always wants to follow her at the supermarket. Since Ethan is old enough to follow instructions and Betty is a trusted person and always go out with Roger, I allow my son to be with them.

I heaved a deep sigh. Years had passed and a lot of things happened. Two years had passed since Arthur and I shared and said our vows in front of our love ones, and our love had blossomed into a beautiful family. For the past year, we've created a bond that cannot be compared to our past relationship. As I sat in our cozy living room, feeling the gentle kicks of life within me, I reflected on how far we had come.

It felt like just yesterday that we were planning and preparing our fairytale wedding, and now here we were, eagerly awaiting the arrival of our second child. For a long time, Ethan is now a big brother. Arthur, as my happy husband, prepared the nursery, meticulously organizing tiny clothes and assembling furniture. He is too excited to welcome our baby. Both Arthur and our son, Ethan, were excited to see the life in my womb to finally be introduced into the world.

As my belly grew rounder with each passing day, our days were filled with anticipation and joy. Not just me and Arthur but also our friends and family. Arthur showered me with love and care, pampering me with foot massages and bringing me endless cups of herbal tea. Even our son, Ethan, is doing things that would always make me smile. My husband and Ethan would often lay their hand on my belly, talking to our little one, and I knew that they would be the most amazing father and brother. That's when I finally todld myself that Arthur is doing everything to make things right. It may not be for our first born but for his soon-to-be second child.

Our home was filled with laughter and warmth, with the sounds of bedtime stories and playful giggles echoing through the hallways. Arthur and Ethan always find sometime to play. There were also times where our family and friends come to visit me.
Overall, we had created a haven, a place where our growing family could thrive and find solace. Our love infused every corner, making it a sanctuary for all of us. Even Betty and Roger were happy for the family I have. They showed how happy and supportive they are by taking good care of me and Ethan.

As the months went by, I marveled at the miracle of life unfolding within me. The fluttering movements and hiccups reminded me of the beautiful journey we were embarking on. Every ultrasound appointment brought us closer to meeting our baby, and we eagerly decorated the nursery with love and anticipation. Well, it's all Arthur who did the decorations. I helped him in the planning.

I spent hours poring over baby name books, searching for the perfect name that would encompass all the love we felt. A name that would represent the love and foundation we had created as one united and happy family. We had long conversations about our parenting philosophies and dreams for our child's future. Together, we envisioned a world where our little one would be encouraged to follow their passions and be surrounded by love and support.

Life had its ups and downs, as it always does, but we faced the challenges together, hand in hand. I admit that there were times that Arthur and I argue as it is part of our relationship as married couple. Through sleepless nights and moments of doubt, we were each other's rock.

As I sit here, eight months pregnant with our second child, I can't help but feel overwhelmed with gratitude. The love and care that Arthur and I share has brought us to this beautiful chapter of our lives. In a few short weeks, we will welcome another precious bundle of joy into our family, and our hearts will expand even more.

"Thank you for the second chance of love given to us," I whispered as I caress my belly. All of a sudden, I felt my belly move.
Life has its challenges, but with love, support, and a commitment to one another, Arthur and I have built a life filled with happiness, laughter, and cherished memories. Our journey together continues, and I couldn't be more thrilled to see what the future holds for us as one happy family.

And as I rest my hand on my belly and feel the gentle movements of our baby, I am filled with hope and excitement, knowing that our love will guide us through whatever lies ahead. Together, we will create a lifetime of love, laughter, and beautiful moments together with our babies.


"Gosh Arthur, are you planning to kill me by scaring me?"

I was startled and I could feel my heart beating fast. "I'm sorry babe. I was calling your name for a I don't know how many times but you're too engrossed with your own thoughts," he responded.

"You could just tap my shoulder. No need to shout. You know that I'm about to give birth!" I said making him nod.

"Okay, I'm sorry. That will never happen again."

"Are you staying?" I asked as Arthur, diverting the topic as he sits down on the space beside me.

"Yeah. I wanted to take good care of you until the day you give birth," he replied making me nod.

"Thank you. Thank you for always being there. For the support and love," I said.

Arthur just nodded at me before he leaned forward and kissed me on my forehead. "I will always be your foundation Issa. I love you and I will always be with you until my last breath," he said as he hugs me with care and pure love.

A small smile crept on my lips. This is the best gift that I've received in my whole life. Despite all the challenges and hardships that I've been through, at last, I've finally experienced the happiness me and my son deserves. The experience from a second chance of love.


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