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Hunter was alone, fishing. The day was foggy and cold, he had a 3 empty cans of dr pepper by his side and a full one by the other, he was about to open it when he suddenly felt a tug in his rod.

Now all his attention was turned to the deep blue water, he couldn't see what took the bait, but he felt it's strength. His heart was beating faster and a smile folded on his lips, he reeled frantically and stood up on his boat, he fought the fish for about 2 and half minutes before getting it out of water.

The smile quickly turned into a look of disappointment, it was carp. Hunter din't mind catching carp, one less carp in the rivers was never bad news, and they din't taste bad, but, they din't sell for much, Which was bad news for someone trying to live off fishing. At least it was worth the thrill of catching something.

He put the carp on a well filled cooler and made the boat motor purr back to live so he could make his way back to the river bank. He was getting hungry and wanted to get back to his cabin for lunch as soon as possible.

He tied his boat to the dock in front of his small cabin, he took the cooler and his gear and followed the tod's loud barks. As soon as he entered his cabin, his dog barked and cried in excitement, they were the only company each other had.

The cabin was so small he could see almost everything from the front door, the kitchen, his room by the right side of the kitchen and the bathroom behind it, home sweet home.

The scruffy mongrel the color of chocolate barked and Shaked his bowl, because hunter wasn't the only empty belly in there, so he laid the cooler on the kitchen table and pulled a swiss army knife from his pocket. He cut a carp and pulled it's spine out,so it was safe for tod, then laid it on a metal bowl mixed with a small amount of kibble under the kitchen table.

He pulled two cods out for him and Puth them on a pan, he put the rest of the fish on his almost empty fridge, except for one dr pepper can, some eggs he took out, and a juice box. He always tried to eat healthy, but he wasn't really excited to go to the grocery store, he'd always get anxious when talking to the cashier and thought everybody was judging every little thing in him.

He fried the fish and eggs on a old portable gas stove, since he could never afford an actual oven. He sat on the table and enjoyed his meal with tod on his foot hoping for a piece of it, but hunter din't leave crumbs.

He used the bathroom and got in the shower, the water was cold, not like he had any choice, but he liked it, it made him feel cleaner than when the water was warm. He had difficulty like always to wash his seemingly waterproof curly hair as he used the rest of shampoo on the bathroom cabinet. He washed the rest his surprisingly well built body and left the shower.

He opened a drawer in the cabinet on his room and picked up some clothes, blue jeans, grey sweater, boots and a cap to hide his unruly hair, then he lift the cushion of his bed to take the money he hid under there before putting it on his pocket. He pat tod goodbye and fought the urges to go back inside as he heard sad whimpers from the other side of the door.

He walked to the only thing his parents left him an old white pickup truck. a 2000 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 in a well preserved state. hunter treated it like a dog, Which for hunter meant it was treated extremely well. The motor roared into live, he only had gas to get to the gas station, and that's what he did. The drive was silent except for the eventual bird calls, and the horizon was hidden by the fog.

When he got to the gas station he filled half his tank, and as he was about to leave he heard a deep husky voice behind him.

"Nice sweater boy, is that a gar?" The hair is hunters arms went up immediately and he slowly and nervously turned back and saw a white man with brown greying hair, he had a stubble beard but a nice moustache and he was short and stocky.

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