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The fisherman stepped into the pier, looking into the horizon, he saw the good Samaritan who made him come, waving at him from the other end of the pier. He adjusted the tackle bag straps on his shoulders, and walked to Austin's direction.

Worried Austin hadn't brought his own gear, he brought two rods. the first rod was a hard twist away from being torn into pieces, and a fancier second rod that could stand a lot more, but could also be trusted in the hands of  a stranger. But to hunter's relief, the amateur brought his own gear.

As hunter approached Austin, he reluctantly held his hand out for a handshake, and the older man gave him a firm but gentle handshake, then said "hey buddy, is everything okay? Did your dog eat well? Come on, tell me." with a warm smile

"yeah I'm okay... YEAH he ate well, I haven't seen him as excited as he was this morning in a long while, he was zooming all around the cabin." He responded looking up with a grin, remembering the image clearly, Tod wagging his tail as he ate and licked every grain out of his bowl.

Austin smiled too sensing the younger man happiness. He gave his buddy a shoulder bump to catch his attention then sat down on the edge of the pier, pulling his fishing equipment out of his own bag and pat a spot to his right. "come on, sit."

The fisherman obeyed, sitting right at the indicated spot, but moving an inch away after he felt the heat of the other man's body. He pulled the best fishing rod out of his tackle bag and a grasshopper from his pocket, he pierced the insect with the rook, but as he was bout to cast.

"Hold." Austin said in a sudden commanding voice right before casting his own line. "We don't want to make to much of a scene or else we will scare the fish away, wait until I say it's okay, okay?"

That's not how it works, and hunter knew that, but he didn't want to sound rude or pretentious. So he did as commanded and din't protest, waiting for the signal to cast. To pass time, he looked down the dark blue river, the same one he fished in every day, the one he knew the fish, the waters and the weeds of. He swayed his feet back and forth, looking at the mountains covered in forest that broke the horizon past the river shore, contrasted by the sky, grey and covered

And after not that long of a wait, hd finally heard it. "You can cast now." Austin said pulling hunter out of his contemplative state and back into fishing mode, he let out tsk-tsk as he had to cast downstream so their lines were far from each other.

Silence reigned for the amount of minutes you can count in your fingers, during that time, the fisherman looked down at the river, looking at a colorful  candy darter that swam near one of the piers wood pillars. Austin was looking at hunter, curious at what the fisherman found so interesting. But after a sixth of an hour, the old man got bored and decided to take a cooler out of his backpack. He took a can out of it, bumped it against the younger man shoulder

Hunter looked at the can, tilted his head as if he didn't understand, then processed the whole situation. "Oh... Perdón, but I don't drink" he groaned as he scratched the back of his neck, feeling awkward and a little ungrateful.

The short one looked mockingly sternly at him and in and in just voice as mocking and Stern as his stare said. "Come a sip wouldn't kill you, just drink it bud."

"I-I'm sorry, I just don't like the taste" the fisherman protested trying to raise his voice, but the volume in his voice decreased with every word.

Austin stopped smiling and his tone now sounded less mocking and more stern. "Stop being a pussy and gulp it down." it wasn't really intimidating or stern, but it did startle the man by his side wich caved into the pressure and opened the can, brought it close to his face, held it in front of his face a moment, and looked back at Austin with nervous eyes. The man looked at him smirking and said "do it."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20 ⏰

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