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Tod was sleeping, right by the side of hunter's bed, hunter laid on his back had a hand on top of tod's head, because it made him feel comfortable and safe as he slept. Although, he was not sleeping, even tough it was midnight, he couldn't stop daydreaming about the guy he met yesterday.

He felt like a weirdo for that, and maybe he truly was. Although he was extremely timid, and feared social interaction, his biggest wish was a tight and warm hug. And the only place he could feel something like this was in his imagination, atleast that's what he thought.

But from time to time, his daydreams would be interrupted by his own questions. Why was he so nice? Why did he give me his phone number? Why does he want to help me? Is he gay? These and a lot more questions flooded his head, but they were just a waste of time without answers.

He could call him, but he was too scared to do it at first and let late night arrive, and that man din't see like the type of man to stay up until midnight, but he changed his mind, now he felt like the chances of curiosity killing him were higher than the ones of the call, he wanted time to fast forward so he could call Austin. But right now he could only sleep, so that's what he did.


He woke up with tod licking his hand and the early rays of sunlight coming through the window right by the side of his bed, it was time to take tod on his morning walk. But first came his mourning routine.

He did 40 pushups, 30 squats, 20 situps and he would do pull ups if the bars he build weren't broken for a week and he had been procrastinating to fix them, he used the bathroom and took a cold shower, then he put on warm clothes and made breakfast for him and tod.

He poured the rest of kibble left on tod's bowl and mixed it with another carp he caught the last day and just took out the spine before giving putting it on the ground for tod to eat. He let out an worried breath, he wasn't being able to catch more than to feed himself and tod, and he was running out of money, he needed to do something, he could get a job, but he wasn't qualified in anything other than fishing, he never worked on anything other than fishing before and he just couldn't imagine himself Working in anything that involved talking to people constantly.

But even if he had those things, his situation was getting worse exponentially. He really din't wanna do it, but after eating his breakfast, he took his phone, pulled the paper with Austin number from out of his pants then called him.

Nothing, Austin din't pick up, hunter sighed and left the phone on the table, but then while he fastened the collar around tod's neck, he heard his phone ring, he picked it up, who else could it be?

"Hello, who am I talking to?" Said the deep husky voice on the other end of the call.

"Hola... It's me hunter, you gave me your number... Yesterday." He said clenching his fists and doing little jumps without getting his toes out of the ground, he hoped it would be a short call, tod was whimpering anxiously, excited to go on a walk.

"Oh, fishboy, need anything?" Austin responded with an pleasantly surprised voice right before a chuckle

"Yeah yeah... Uhm... So, I'm kinda struggling financially, and I'm barely feeding myself and my dog, could you give me a hand to buy food for my dog and me?" Hunter asked scratching the back of his neck, he felt a little shame begging like this while tod whined loudly by his feet.

"Oh, poor guy... I can hear him. Well, meet me at the grocery store three pm." Austin said with a worried voice

"Thanks, but I gotta go now, bye." Quickly barked hunter before hanging up, tod was starting to bite his heel.

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