Chapter 16- Dumping bodies at high altitude

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After rushing out of the sea of ​​​​fire, a new round of zombies surrounded him again.

There are too many zombies in the city center, and people looking for supplies will avoid this place, so the zombies wandering here are hungry and red-eyed. They crawl on the car, climb on the roof, shake the car, and do whatever they can.

Then came another round of burning fire.

Lin An was sitting in the back seat, still holding a small watering can and spraying water on the glass mechanically. It wasn't until more and more water mist snaked down the glass, and he found that he couldn't clean these zombies, that he stopped. Looking out the window in confusion.

Orange flames burned on the zombies. Lin An stared blankly at the burned zombies, the fire reflected in his red eyes. It was not until the zombies surrounding the car were burned that he blinked slowly. Eye.

Finally a little bit cleaner.

At this time, a sturdy zombie quickly climbed onto the front hood of the car. Compared to other hungry zombies, which were dark and thin and moved slowly, this one was particularly strong.

Either there were too many people eating it, or it was a special type of zombie.

The strong and agile zombie stretched out a fist and slammed it against the front windshield.

"It's a zombie with enhanced powers!" Xu Fang shouted immediately.

Before the zombies could smash the glass, a huge billboard instantly flew from the side and accurately targeted the zombies with special powers. They were flattened against the wall of the building next to them, along with other zombies in that direction.

Xu Fang whistled and said with a smile: "Boss, we have to speed up."

Shen Xiuze hummed coldly, and the surrounding billboards, street light poles, signs, etc. flew towards here one after another. Metal objects of various shapes gradually changed their shapes as they approached the car.

It was as if there was an invisible giant furnace that melted all the metals and reshaped them.

A whole circle of metal was pasted on the lower part of the car body, especially the front and back, where a thick layer of metal was pasted, and then sharp spikes grew out of these metals.

The originally ordinary white car was suddenly covered with thorns.

Xu Fang stepped on the accelerator, and the car, which was armed to the teeth, drove forward at high speed, skewering the zombies in front of it, and those cold and sharp spikes actually retracted automatically after all the zombies were skewered, and the pierced zombies Before he could react, he was hit by a car.

Relying on heavily armed cars, they broke out of the zombie siege.

There was a community next to the busiest street in the city center. There were fewer zombies inside than outside. Xu Fang drove all the way in and parked the car in the community with a drift.

When entering the community, the metal wrapped on the car fell off instantly, sealing the entrance of the community tightly. Two tall iron gates blocked the zombies that were following outside.

After getting out of the passenger seat, Shen Xiuze went to the back seat to grab Lin An, while Xu Fang also put on his backpack and held Xiaofu's hand.

The surrounding zombies slowly gathered around again. Although they were not as dense as in the city center, there were still a lot of them.

Xu Fang put the handle of the traction rope on his arm, squatted down and pressed his hands on the ground. The ground beneath the zombies instantly cracked. When all the unsuspecting zombies fell, the ground closed again, with almost no trace of cracking.

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