Chapter 31- Zombies everywhere

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Someone in Chuxi City has made statistics. Almost 10% of all zombies will turn into various special types of zombies. These zombies are more powerful and look weirder.

But in Mechanical City, because all the zombies that could be seen on the ground were dealt with immediately, the survivors here had never seen special zombies at all.

This zombie, which survived because it lived in the sewers, has become very powerful by constantly eating people through the sewers in the past few months.

Before the survivors could react, the robot that was kicked over on the ground immediately sounded the alarm.

Suddenly, robots from all streets swarmed towards the central street.

The survivors finally saw what the monster looked like. Even if they didn't know what it was, its terrifying appearance already demonstrated its terror and danger.

"There's a monster, run!"

The sit-ins dispersed and fled in all directions, while the robots in the opposite direction to them had already begun to attack the monster.

Robots of all sizes were armed with chainsaws, firearms, cold weapons, etc., and they all attacked and killed the monster.

For a time, it delayed the monster's pace and gave those sit-ins a chance to escape.

The fused zombie was angry. It wanted to go outside the city to find that delicious food? But now it was stopped here. It even got hit by chance because the robot's attacks were too intensive.

It roared and slapped these robots away with its body.

The fused zombies are so powerful that any robots that were photographed by the slime turned into discus.

"Boom!" With a dull sound, the robot was slapped on the sewer manhole cover and fell down together with the manhole cover.

At the same time as the robot alarm sounded, bells also rang loudly in the factory.

Lin Huai, who was chatting, changed his expression and rushed to the console next to him.

"What's wrong?" Seeing his serious expression, Grandma Wu asked.

"Zombies have appeared." He clicked on the screen on the console to look for the problem area. He found it on Center Street and immediately clicked on the nearby surveillance camera.

A flesh-red monster appeared on the screen.

It was obviously the first time for Lin Huai to see this kind of zombie, and his face showed surprise: "What kind of monster is this??"

Several people came forward to take a look, and Xu Fang immediately shouted: "Oh, such a big fusion zombie! "

Lin Huai turned his head: "You know?"

"This is a kind of mutated zombie. It is very powerful and extremely difficult to deal with. This zombie is so big that it cannot be dealt with by ordinary people."

Wu Shuangxue was also the same one that year. One of the best explorers, in terms of supernatural attack power, now she can't even compare to Xu Fang Ouyang Dong. The fusion zombie mainly depends on its size. The bigger the size, the more difficult it is to deal with. This one is bigger than the one that appeared in the base before. Even bigger, they are absolutely unkillable by themselves.

"Xiao Jiang, where are the superpowers in your Mechanical City? Are there any who can deal with this zombie?" Wu Shuangxue said seriously. I don't know how many people will die if this continues.

Lin Huai looked troubled: "Are you talking about those people who can emit various elements from their hands? How could they kill such powerful zombies?"

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