Part 16

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"You have to be making that up!" Lisa heard Jennie exclaim when she quietly walked through the back door two hours later. "There is no way that can be true."

"I kid you not. he honestly licked my lips when he kissed me," Winter said. "It was *the* most disgusting thing any guy has ever done to me. And that's saying a lot."

"Ew!" Nayeon scrunched her nose. "Felix would never do that."

Mina grinned devilishly. "Jackson would totally do that. And has. You wouldn't believe what that man is capable of."

Winter started gagging. "Unfortunately, I dated him for almost a year in high school, I know what Jackson is capable of. And I'd rather forget it if it's all the same to you."

"Whatever. What about Lisa, Jennie? she's quite a tasty treat," Mina said.

Lisa was about to enter the room when she heard her name. Curious as to what Jennie would say in reply, she stood out of their line of sight and listened.

"What about her, Mina?"

"The girl's a hottie, she's got the body of a goddess and she's wealthier than sin. On top of all that, she's your wife. She pledged her entire being body to you for eternity. It's been over a month, and you haven't given us any of the glory details. So, spill it."

Jennie shrugged. "There isn't anything to spill. Lisa is great. End of story."

"Please, there's more to it than that."

"Yeah, Jen," agreed Winter. "She must be pretty amazing."

'What harm will a few little white lies cause?' Jennie asked herself. 'None of them would know if I'm not telling the truth.' "She is amazing. The best. At everything."

"At everything?" Mina repeated. "Who are you comparing her to? Your imaginary friend?"

"Mina " Nayeon began.

She glared at the redhead. "What? It's not like it's a big secret that Jennie was still a virgin when she married Lisa." The brown-haired girl paused. "You were, weren't you?"

"Yes, I was. So what?"

"Is she good in bed?"

Jennie chose her words carefully. "Let's just say she's not gifted only as a trial lawyer."

In the kitchen, Lisa suppressed a laugh by covering her mouth with her hand. 'Well, it's good to know Jennie thinks highly of me. But I can't believe she's still... '

Nayeon's eyes widened. "Wow. Are you glad you waited?"

After a lengthy pause, Jennie nodded her head. "You know what, I am. I wanted to share it with the one I love." 'And I will. Someday.'

"And you did," her best friend concluded.

"Does anyone need another Pepsi?" the hostess asked, eager to change the subject. It was making her feel uncomfortable.

"I do," Winter answered.

"Yeah, me, too," Mina replied. "But you can't leave without answering at least one more question for me."

Jennie sighed. "Fine, but this is the last one. Then we drop the subject of my sex life."

"Agreed. All I want to know is what Lisa wears to bed."

"Boxers," she replied without a moment's hesitation.

Laughing at her friends' preoccupation with her sex life, Jennie grabbed the empty soda cans and headed into the kitchen. Placing them on the counter, she jumped when she saw something moving out of the corner of her eye. When she saw it was her wife, she sighed with relief. "God, Lisa, you scared me half to death."

Lisa smiled apologetically, making all of her anger disappear. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay."

"How's the party going?" Lisa wanted to know.

"Peachy. Mina wants to know everything about our marriage. Particularly our sex life," she told her.

Lisa laughed softly. "So I heard."

Jennie paled. "How much did you hear, exactly?" 'Oh lord, what if she heard me talking about her "gifts"? I'll be humiliated!'

"Not much; I just got home," she lied. Lisa didn't want to embarrass her by saying she'd heard everything she'd said to her friends.

"Oh, good." Letting out a nervous breath, she opened the refrigerator and took out four cans of Pepsi. "I should get back out there. What are you going to do for the rest of the night?"

"I've got a case to go over, I'll probably work on it for a little while. Just gonna make myself a sandwich and go upstairs."

"Have fun."

"You, too." As she was about to leave the room, Lisa called out to her. "Hey, Jennie?"

She turned around. "Yeah?"

"You were wrong about something out there."

"What's that?"

Lisa smirked. "I don't wear boxers to bed. Most nights I don't wear anything at all," she admitted.

"Oh...Then...Don't worry. Your secret's safe with me." Jennie smirked. 

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