Part 39

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The following weeks proved to be awkward for both Jennie and Lisa. Neither of them broached the subject of their night together for obvious reasons, they both believed the other thought it a mistake. As per their agreement the night of GD's attack on Jennie, they waited until after the holidays were over before filing for legal separation, and then divorce. While Jennie planned her future without her wife in the days leading up to it, Lisa searched for a way to win her love before it was too late.

Over Christmas break, Ella returned home from college. She noticed something was off between her sister and Sister-in-law, but did not bring it up, figuring Jennie would tell her if something was wrong. And the night before she left for New York, it happened.

"Ella, can we talk?" Jennie asked, entering her sister's bedroom.

"Sure. Oh geez, you're wearing 'something face,' Ella noted. "What's going on? And don't you dare say nothing because I can tell there's something big going down. You and Lisa have been acting wacky the last three weeks I've been here."

She nodded her head. It was the moment of truth, the day she'd finally tell her younger sister everything. "I think maybe you'd better sit down for this."

Ella did as she was told. "Is it Jisoo? She's okay, isn't she?"

"Jisoo is fine. This is about me." Jennie sat down next to her on the bed. "This coming Friday, Lisa and I are getting divorced. Or, filing for it at least."

The younger Kim sister sat in silence for a few moments before saying anything in response. "Divorced?"

"Well, we're filing for legal separation first. And I am moving back into the house with Jisoo that day. I've started packing up some of your belongings and putting them in your old room."

"I don't understand. I thought you were happy here," Ella commented.

Jennie frowned, looking at the floor. "I have been happy, very happy. It's been the happiest three years of my life. But Lisa and I decided it's time to go our separate ways. The last two months have been awkward to say the least. She and I have just grown apart rather than together."

"Don't you love Lisa?"

"That's not the point, Ella."

"I think it is. The poor girl deserves to know if she has a fighting chance with you. If you love her, you can make your so-called marriage work."

She lifted her head, gazing at her younger sister. "What do you mean by 'so-called marriage'?"

"I'm not stupid, Jennie. Maybe when I was fifteen I fell for it, but I'm eighteen now and I know about the real world. And a married couple deeply in love with one another doesn't sleep in separate bedrooms."

"You knew this whole time?" Jennie wanted to know.

Ella shook her head. "No. Not the whole time. About six months before I left for NYU, I got up for a drink of water around two in the morning and Lisa was coming up the stairs. she looked really tired so I decided to wait until after she went into your room because I knew she'd want to talk. I waited, and I saw her go into the spare bedroom. I didn't think much of it and got my water; I thought she'd left something there. When I came back upstairs a few minutes later, I checked the spare room and low and behold, Lisa was fast asleep.

"At first I thought you two had had a fight or something. I checked it night after night after night. Something was definitely up and I knew it. Jisoo absolutely refused to tell me anything when I questioned her; she told me to ask you. And I'm going to do that now. Why? Why were you pretending to be married to Lisa? Why are you sleeping in separate bedrooms?"

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