Part 35

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"Jennie, I think it would be a good idea if we call the police about what happened here tonight," Lisa suggested, still trying to console her crying wife.

She lifted her head from her shoulders, tears evident in her eyes. "No. I'm not going to the police. No way, no how."

"It's the only way to make him pay for what he did to you. They can bring him up on charges of assault and attempted rape. I have friends in the D.A.'s office who can make the charges stick to him like super glue."

"I said no, Lisa. I don't care if he pays for it, I just want to forget it ever happened. Can't I just do that?"

Lisa gazed into her eyes, seeing the determination in her cat like eyes.

Obviously, there would be no changing her mind. "If you're sure this is what you want."

"Yeah, I'm sure."

"Okay. But if you change your mind.."

"I won't."

An awkward silence followed. Lisa didn't quite know what she had to do or what Jennie needed from her. Lisa hated feeling so helpless. But when she saw how black and blue her eye was becoming, she finally knew what needed to be done. "Your eye, need ice on it."

"Is it bad?"

"Well, it's gonna be a pretty nasty shade of black and blue. Come on, let's go down to the kitchen and ice it to keep the swelling down." Jennie bit her lip. "I can't. I can't feel my legs, I don't think I can walk without falling down flat on my face."

She was still in shock, that Lisa knew for certain. So she stood up and scooped her into her arms, carrying her down the stairs to the kitchen. Lisa placed her on the counter next to the refrigerator. She sat saying nothing while she was placing ice cubes in a cloth.

"This may sting a little bit," she warned her.

Jennie nodded, and winced when the cold cloth came in contact with her tender skin. She whimpered in pain, so Lisa smoothed her hair with her free hand in a show of comfort. Lisa felt so bad for her, she wished she could take her pain away. To her, there was nothing worse than seeing the woman she loved in pain. "Sorry," Lisa apologized. "I told you it would hurt a little."

"You sound like you talk from experience."

Lisa smirked slyly. "Just a little bit. I wasn't the most well-behaved child in boarding school and I ended up in a lot of fights. A black eye was pretty much a given once a month. As soon as one healed, I'd have another one."

"Wild child?" Jennie asked with a smile on her face, glad she was able to take her mind off of her attack.

"Try a holy terror. The nuns thought I was Satan's spawn." Lisa could see a red mark forming on her other cheek and the outline of GD's fingers on her thin neck. "God, Jennie, he really did a number on you, didn't he? Bastard."

Looking down in embarrassment, she nodded slowly. "Yeah. I don't understand why he did this to me. Why, Lisa? I didn't do anything to give him the wrong idea. I know I didn't."

"You didn't do anything wrong. This wasn't about you, it was about me. GD wanted revenge against me for something that happened to him years ago that he thought was my fault. And he took it out on you, knowing that by hurting you, he'd hurt me, too."

Jennie didn't understand. "What did you do to him? Or what does he think you did?"

"It's not important; it's stupid actually. Let's just say GD isn't the best friend I always thought he was. I'm not making light of what he did to you because it was horrible and unnecessary. He knows how important you are to me and got back at me through you. I'm sorry you were dragged into it the way you were. The last thing I ever wanted was for you to get hurt."

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