New beginnings

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Cover me in sunshine by PINK

Cover me in sunshine
Shower me with good times
Tell me that the world's been spinning since the beginning
And everything will be alright
Cover me in sunshine

Alessio stared at the hospital door for Luca's room. Matt told him to go inside and explain stuff... Of course, Matt gave him a full-blown lecture on how to explain something to a kid. Fun fact about Alessio, although he is an idiot, he has a perfect memory which Aless (Sandro) always hated. He used to always use people's words against them (diplomatically), which helped in forming alliances.

"Why the hell am I not going in? What the fuck? I went from an assassin to being scared of a door and a kid?" 

Alessio was about to fling the door open but then decided to think before he acts for once in his life and quietly opened the door so that Luca wouldn't get startled. He knocked.

"Hi." Alessio never saw anyone; what he did see was the blankets slowly moving. "I, um, won't hurt you. Seriously. I've got, uh, important stuff to do, not into scaring kids," he stammered, the usually smooth talker stumbling over his words. He rambled. Luca thought about it and, since he was just a kid, he believed that little white lie. Alessio could have also mentioned how he didn't just scare people, he killed them, but he kept his mouth shut (for once).

Luca couldn't help but stare at Alessio; his eyes were bawled out and bloodshot red from crying and, of course, the injuries. Alessio could only see his face. His fingers were gripped on his arm, and his arm was already bruised, so there were a few drops of blood. What the fuck?

"Hey Luca, did you... you know, hurt yourself?" Luca frowned; he was not sure why Alessio was worried about him getting hurt; no one ever cared about that; they only wanted to hit him and do... other things. Alessio was beyond awkward; he just met his kid, and now he had to give a self-harm lecture.

So that's what he and Luca did. They... well, you can't call it a conversation, as Luca was silent the whole time and was just buried under the blankets. He was so confused as to why Alessio cared if he got hurt. Alessio also explained how it was wrong for his so-called mother to treat Luca like that, but Alessio could tell Luca didn't believe him.

Days passed, and Matt advised Alessio to finish off his work while Luca is in the hospital, as Luca was mostly just sleeping (due to the meds). So, in other words, Sio was too occupied with work, and Luca was asleep the whole time. Eventually, Matt swung by with some news – Luca could be discharged. Great, right? But oh boy, Matt being Matt, he didn't just drop the bomb; he gave Alessio a whole other lecture. Probably covered everything from taking care of Luca to following the doctor's orders. Matt's lectures were like a crash course in adulting (which Alessio needed).

After filling out a mountain of paperwork, Luca was ready to be discharged. Sio went to get him home, but Luca was fast asleep (as usual) due to the medication. Matt threatened Alessio that if he woke Luca up while sleeping, he would kill him and dissect him like a frog. So Alessio quietly came into the hospital room. He could hear the beeping of the machines. He carefully put his arm around Luca's chest.

Alessio stood by Luca's bedside, hearing the rhythmic hum of medical equipment. The room was dimly lit, and the air carried a sterile scent that reminded Alessio of the countless hospitals he'd been in before.

Taking a moment, Alessio let his eyes wander over the small figure in the bed. Luca's chest rose and fell steadily with each peaceful breath. The hospital gown hung loosely on him, showing how malnourished he is. Alessio's gaze shifted to the bruised face; Luca still had a scar on his cheek. "Idiot, you should know how to do this. It's just holding a kid, not dismantling a bomb," he scolded himself.

With tenderness he didn't know he possessed, Alessio extended his arm, gently placing it around Luca's chest, mindful of his broken ribs that were held in place by bandages. Luca's skin felt delicate, and for a moment, Alessio hesitated; the poor guy was so scared he was carrying Luca like he is a china doll.

Alessio gently pulled Luca close to his chest; he could feel Luca's chest rising up and down. He rested Luca's head on his shoulder and made his way out of the hospital to his car. The kid was still out like a light, blissfully unaware of the complex emotions swirling in Alessio's mind. "You better not be faking this sleep, or I'll make you regret it," Alessio muttered under his breath; it had always been his coping mechanism to distract himself with dark humor and alcohol (but he stopped drinking thanks to his genius boyfriend and brothers).

They got out of the hospital, and Alessio made his way to the parking lot. The whole drive he was so nervous; his palms were sweating. Luca was still asleep. Alessio had never been so scared in his life... He was cut off from his thoughts as Luca was trying to breathe. Alessio saw that and pulled the car over.

"Hey Luca I need you to look at me"
Luca couldn't hear anything so Alessio did something that would normally send Luca into a frenzy. He took his arm from the seat and tasked him to tap the seat 5 times it was an exercise that worked well for Alessio. After Luca calmed down he went back to flinching from Alessio and to everyone's (including Alessio's) he flinched when he saw Luca flinch from him he flinched. The ruthless cold-blooded assassin flinched.

The rest of the ride was smooth and Luca was so scared and confused why Alessio was being kind to him he said he was his dad but his real dad didn't want him that's what his mother and stepfather said another thing Lukas was confused about was why had Alessio called him Luca when his name was Lukas he wanted to ask Alessio that but he knew that if he did he would get hurt and Luca was enjoying not getting beat up every minute.

Alessio parked the car in their driveway. They had your typical rich driveway filled with luxurious cars. Actually, they had two driveways. He glanced over to Luca, who was fast asleep. Matt had told him that his body needed to rest. Gently, he picked Luca up again, cradling him carefully in his arms.

He made his way to the front entrance of the mansion. As Alessio approached, he saw Matt waiting for him. Matt smiled as he noticed Luca resting on Sio's shoulder. 

"Everything okay?" Matt inquired, concern etched on his face.

Alessio nodded. "Yeah, he's just resting. It's been a long day for him. I'm going to go and put him in my room"

Matt nodded. Sio made his way to his room which was like those suites you see in the movies he had a connecting room to the gym which had weapons so he needed to lock that for sure

Alessio gently placed Luca on the comfy bed. Closing the door quietly, he double-checked the lock on the connecting door to the gym, keeping the dangerous stuff out of reach.

The room felt a bit too fancy for the situation like it didn't quite match with the fact that there was a kid sleeping in it. 

He sat on the sofa that could turn into a bed and stared at Luca for a while like a creep. He was so exhausted. His leg was killing him because one asshole punched him in the shins plus he had to carry Luca. So he fell asleep and of course, both Luca and Alessio had nightmares like father and son.

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