The Hoodie

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♔ $ ♫ A L E S S I O P O V ♫ $ ♔

Lucas needs clothes. Mental note to buy Luca clothes. Metal note to tell Matt to buy Luca clothes. Mental note to not forget to tell Matt to buy Luca clothes. Another mental note-

Maybe I'm mental, and not the notes.

"We should...get going." I literally opened the door and gestured for him to step out (which he was very, very scared to do). I feel like a doorman.

There's a door connecting to my room that leads to one of the gardens. Luca seemed shocked when he entered the garden.

He's probably never seen a garden in real life.

He kept squinting due to the sunlight. Even though it was chilly, the sun was shining (Yay!!) but not that much that it blinds you.

Then I realized something that I didn't realize before.

Luca probably never saw the sun. It's bad to assume, maybe I should ask him. He might be too afraid to answer. Should I or should I not, that is the question. Oh, fuck it, shit happens.

"Have you ever been outside before?" He kept his eyes closed due to the sunlight, which was low-key cute the way his nose scrunched up, and he got a bit annoyed at the fact that he couldn't keep his eyes open.

I don't think he heard my question as he was...what's the right word for it, ah, distracted. I took off my cap, which was again black like my soul, and gave it to Luca. He was confused by what a cap is. I sat on the park bench and gestured for him to sit. We were in the shade now.

"It's a cap, people wear it to keep the sun out of their eyes in summer; the sun is annoying." Luca was wearing the cap wrong; it was a bit tilted but mainly my fault considering I put it on his head. But in my defense, we were walking.

"Looks like I didn't do a great job of putting it on straight," not that I am straight.

Not the time.

"Could I adjust it?" Luca nodded. I carefully adjusted it, making sure it sat comfortably on his head. At least I think it was comfortable. Was it? Man, it's just a damn hat, why am I overthinking so much? Ugh.

♔ $ ♫ T H I R D   P E R S O N ♫ $ ♔

Luca was scared, and as usual, the floor seemed very interesting to him, but the stupid sun was shining brighter than Alessio's depression, so he had no choice but to look right at Alessio. He didn't want to look at his face due to Alessio looking ugly (A/N jk he's hot, don't worry), and he was also scared.

There were sets of 'rules' Luca had to follow or there would be consequences.

They spent the rest of the time in complete silence (what my teachers wished we would do). Alessio was just sitting there being hot and very, very awkward, and Luca looked scared and confused.

It was 7 pm. Alessio noticed Luca was yawning, and after having a mental battle with himself, he decided to ask a life-changing question.

Maybe not life-changing, but he sure as hell was preparing to make conversation with a kid more Hermione Granger studying for a test!

"Do you want to go to sleep? You can say yes or no or just nod. Not like just nod like a yes or no—I'm rambling, sorry."

Luca was wondering why this random guy was being nice to him and also why is he apologizing? But he still had a small smile when Alessio was rambling because it was funny how he was overthinking it, but Luca never knew what a smile was.

He had to learn English and another language which he didn't know. He knew it was different from English, but he didn't know the name. And that was all thanks to the lovely teacher he had who used to enjoy watching Luca get beaten black and blue. The teacher enjoyed knowing that Alessio's blood was being spilled, and he was the cause of it.

The teacher would always tell Luca a different name, and when his birth giver asked him what language this was, she would always smirk, knowing that Luca never knew the answer, and she would get to spill Alessio's blood even more.

Luca was trying so hard to make sense of Alessio's little ramble that he zoned out. He thought he would get in trouble for zoning out, so he just nodded. He was 'taught' always to say yes.

Luca sat on the bed, and Alessio was shocked at how quickly he did that. Truth was, Luca was afraid that Alessio would hit him, and they were standing close to each other.

"Do you want to wear the hoodie or not?" Luca shook his head. He didn't know what a 'hoodie' was.

Luca put his head down on the bed and hugged his pillow tightly. He was confused why he was being given all these options.

"Good night, Luca." Alessio sat on the couch engrossed in his book. It was a simple phrase 'Good night,' but for Luca, it was new. Every time he went to sleep, it was usually at 12 am after he finished his 'chores.' He did more work than Dobby when he was with the Malfoys. When he went to sleep, he was too exhausted to even remember what his mother used to tell him.

Alessio noticed that Luca was scratching himself a lot and looked more uncomfortable than usual.

"Hey Lu-" Luca literally jumped out of bed; he forgot Alessio was there.

"Sorry, I uh didn't mean to scare you. It's just that you look umm uncomfortable. Do you want to remove the hoodie?" It was partly true; Luca liked the hoodie. It was warm and cozy, but it was also really hot, so he nodded.

Of course, he's feeling hot with the hoodie. How could I have been such an idiot? Alessio scolded himself for that.

Luca removed the hoodie and folded it perfectly, which shocked Alessio. He was 24 and didn't fold his clothes; he just dumped them in his cupboard. And when Matt used to come to check his room, he would fold whichever clothes he could and dump the rest in the washing machine.

"Thank you, but you don't have to fold the clothes, okay?"

Luca had fallen asleep, and Alessio was reading his book. Alessio loved the fact that was raining heavily and you could hear the raindrops falling on the ground.

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