The Past is Past

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Trigger Warning 



Use of alcohol 

Mention of sex (no smut)

*the past*

A 17-year-old Alessio was drunk. Very drunk his so-called father (Armando) was locked up but Alessio knew Armando would escape. He always did. He could have easily told Sandro or Matt about the 'abuse' but his father was powerful. Even if Sandro believed him their father had more power and influence. That was their father's greatest weapon. Influence. Now of course he could tell his grandmother or cousins but every single call Alessio made was monitored. When he was 9 years old Armando saw Alessio playing with another kid they weren't even friends. Alessio and the girl(Angelica) just used to play when everyone else was gone because she didn't want to be seen hanging out with a 'weirdo'. This continued till Alessio and the girl were 10 and their father found out. Armando killed her in front of Alessio's eyes when he was just 10

It would be a better story to say that Armando killed her because she used to bully Alessio but he did it as a punishment for telling Sandro that Armando hurt him. Angelica used to not only call Alessio names. Once after school while Angelica and Alessio were waiting after school that's when they would 'play' games.

 A stupid naive 6-year-old Alessio told Angelica how he wished his father would love him and play with him. She always reminded him of how Alessio was nothing but a burden, a mistake. He could have easily told his brothers but his father killed so many people and he had to watch as they begged for their lives but he was scared of the way the dark red blood would all be over Armando's finger and the knife. His favorite knife. The way Armando held the knife to his eye so closely. The way Armando's fingers used to have blood on them while he choked Alessio's throat. He was six when all of that happened. The only happy memories he has are with Sandro and Matt. He didn't want to ruin that but he knew like always he would ruin everything

Alessio took the peg of whisky and drank. Drank so that he would forget his thoughts. Drank so he would forget his father. For once he wanted to just forget. He wondered what he was doing here on this Earth. Why was he even alive? He wanted to jump off a cliff but he was to scared. He wanted to take a gun and shoot himself in the head but then again he was scared. Scared of what would happen after death so instead of doing that he chose to forget 

He drank too much that night and a girl named Emily took advantage of that. He had no training he couldn't fight if his life depended on it knowing Alessio he probably would have willingly allowed someone to kill him but every time he thought of that he thought of Matt and Sandr

Emily had one simple job. Kidnap him and make his brother (Sandro) suffer forever by messing with her lover. But she got distracted and they had  sex

Emily got up from the bed it was 6 in the morning. She hated herself for getting distracted. She spiked Alessio's drink to kidnap him not to have 'fun' with him. She took out her gun but fortunately, Alessio always gets nightmares so he's awake practically the whole night. Alessio ran. Ran for his life. They were in a hotel and Emily was an expert in martial arts. Alessio was wearing pants but with no shirt even while having sex Alessio could never remove his t-shirt but he had to cause one of the scars on his back was bleeding. He hated the scars on his back they were a reminder of how weak he was. Alessio ran. the hotel was completely empty thanks to Emily. He managed to survive. He always does but this time it was because of someone. 

That someone had the most beautiful green eyes and dark brown hair. His skin was a beautiful shade of brown, like warm caramel or rich chocolate. It had this amazing glow to it like it was always basking in the sunlight, even when it wasn't. The hot stranger fought Emily while Alessio just stood there paralysed with shock and shirtless. He hated how weak he was and that was the moment Alessio knew he had to train no matter how difficult it was. Emily and the stranger fought and it seemed like they knew each other. 

The stranger shouted "Run estúpido!! Stare at my beautiful face later"

 While the stranger was shouting at Alessio Emilly saw that the hot stranger was distracted and ran. The hot stranger chased after Emily like she was a mouse and he was the fucking tiger.

When he reached back home he pretended nothing happened and casually went to his room. He wondered who the person who saved him was. Little did he know that the stranger would save him not only from fights (Alessio became so good that even the stranger could beat him). The stranger would save Alessio from himself and after a year Alessio found out that the stranger was none other than Andres himself

*Roughly nine months later*

Alessio was enjoying how things were. Sandro called his grandparents and told them everything. What shocked Alessio the most was that Sandro used to receive the same treatment but much worse because Armando was 'preparing' him to be a don. All Alessio's attempts to be happy failed when a letter came from Emily

Dear Alessio 

My original mission was to kidnap you so that your brother would suffer but that didn't work. Your brother killed my boyfriend and I wanted to kill all the Bianchi's and make you all suffer 

 But I got something better. I was pregnant you asshole. So I'm going to make your kid suffer 

I know you don't believe me so there's a blood sample inside 

How does it feel to know that your brother is the reason why your kid is going to be punished?

I'm not going to kill him cause where's the fun in that? Every year on that pathetic child's birthday I'll send your child's blood.

 Enjoy living knowing that your son is going to feel the wrath of all the Italian's enemies. And believe me, when I saw there are a lot of enemies and the best part is they all are rich.


She was right the DNA from the blood test was a 99.9% match and for the past 3 years Emily sent a blood sample. 

A/N: Thoughts?

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