Chapter 1

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Another beautiful day in Upstate, New York, at Mount Grey University. The day has finally come! My first day of my senior year of college, and I can not wait to be done with school. One step closer to my dream job in marketing and one step closer to quitting my job at Pebble Inn Country Club.

You might be thinking, "Brynnley, why would you want to quit your job at a country club? It sounds so glamorous?" Well, it definitely is not. It is nothing like the country club from High School Musical 2. It is awful! I'm a waitress, and most of the time, I get my regular members who are actually respectful and tip me very well, but that is when I'm lucky. Most of the time, I get rich old men who think they are better than everyone else by talking about their fancy jobs and fancy cars while they treat me like I'm their servant, and all they do is make inappropriate comments to me, and I can't say anything back, or I will lose my job. Glamorous right? That's why I can't wait to be done with school so I can quit and never look back. As awful as the job is, it pays extremely well, so that's why I am still there dealing with all that crap.

As I shake that thought from my mind, I start to get ready for my first class. I do some light makeup so I don't look like The Walking Dead. It's still nice outside, so I went for a cute oversized top with black leggings and my famous white vans, which aren't so white anymore. I wear them religiously. They are my go-to shoes.

As I finish getting ready at my desk, which I made into a makeshift vanity, I look over at my roommate Jensen, who is sleeping through her alarm. I decided to go with my classic way of waking her up. I stand up from my desk, walk over to my twin-size bed, grab my pillow, and throw it at her.

"Jensen, wake up! You are gonna be late for class," I say to her.

She looks like she wants to murder me. She sits up from her bed and looks like she was just hit by a bus with her tangled-up brunette hair as she sends death glares at me. Oh man, if looks could kill, I would be six feet under right now.

"Brynnley, I was sleeping, if you couldn't tell," Jensen said, annoyed that I had woken her.

I rolled my eyes and giggled. "I could see that, but your alarm has been going off for five minutes now, and you haven't woken up, so I thought I'd help," I said to her, trying to hold back my laugh as her hair kept getting crazy.

"Brynn, you have been waking me up like that since freshman year. I think you should give up. You know I am just going to go back to sleep," She said as she threw the covers back over her head.

Jensen and I have been best friends since high school. When we both found out we got accepted into the same college, we were ecstatic and knew we were going to be roommates. Jensen's major is fashion design. She is definitely a fashionista compared to me, where my everyday fashion involves leggings and an oversized shirt.

I look at Jensen again and shake my head, laughing.

"Whatever you say, Jens, I'm heading to class. I'll be back later, then I have to head to work."

That got Jensen to jump out of bed.

"Whoh Whoh Woah NO!! You promised me you would go to the welcome back party at the hockey house tonight. You said nothing about working tonight."

Jensen knows I hate going to any party or frat; it's just not my vibe. Sure, I like to have a drink or two with my friends, but going to a party and seeing people blackout drunk, making out with whoever they can get their hands on, and watching people embarrass themselves is not such a fun time for me.

"Jensen, you know I hate parties," I say to her, groaning. You would think I am a toddler about to have a tantrum.

"Brynn, it's the welcome-back party, and you have to go. You promised me you would go over summer break. You even said it yourself that since it's our senior year, you want to enjoy every part of it.

I sigh to myself, knowing that she is holding me against my own words. I did want to get into the  college life more since it was my senior year, and I would never get to experience this again.

But she is right; I did promise her.

"Fine! I'll go just because I made you a promise. Let me text Sarah and see if she could cover for me tonight."

Jensen jumped up and down, clapping her hands excitedly 

"Yay, I'm so excited, but please let me pick your outfit out because I am not letting you go to this party in leggings and an oversized shirt," she said

"Jensen, I don't want to look like a hoe. You know that is not my style. At least let me wear leggings and whatever top you choose," I said to her as I begged.

There is a reason I like to wear pants, and it's simply because I hate my legs. I hate it when my legs are exposed. I have thick tights and cellulite, and nothing against it. I know all women have cellulite, and I shouldn't worry about it, but I can't help it. It makes me feel so insecure. I am also extremely pale, like Casper, the ghost pale. This is in comparison to Jensen, who has the body of a model. She has no problem showing off, which I don't blame.

Jensen sighs, knowing she won't win this battle against me. "Fine, wear your leggings, but I am gonna make you look hot!" Jensen said, climbing back into bed, knowing she wasn't going to make it to her first class

I giggled as I grabbed my bookbag and made it out the door.

"Bye, Jens, see you later," I say as the door closes behind me.

The first chapter is complete. Thank you so much for reading. I hope you look forward to what's to come!

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