Bonus #3

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Three years later....

Today, I have a doctor's appointment. A couple of weeks ago, I found out I was pregnant again, and I couldn't be more excited. Carter and I felt it was a good time to have another baby since Ethan is a full-on toddler now.

Ethan is definitely a troublemaker. He likes to show us his art skills by drawing on the wall. But he is definitely his father's son; he loves to play with footballs, soccer balls, baseballs, and Carter's favorite, hockey. We have taken him ice skating a couple of times, and he is a freaking pro. I was in shock that he learned how to skate that well. It must be in his genes.

Besides being a troublemaker, Ethan is the best. He is such a cuddly little boy to his mamma, and he is funny. He just discovered how to make knock-knock jokes, and they always end with chicken butt. He laughs so hard after he says his joke, but I think it's just because he gets to say the word 'butt.'

Seeing him grow into a little boy makes me want more. He is going to be the best big brother.

But now, Carter and I are getting ready for the appointment.

I'm not sure how far along I am, but I am guessing around two months because Carter and I's anniversary was two months ago, and he took me out to dinner and had the house to ourselves, so you can guess what happened.

"Babe, are you ready?" he yells from downstairs as I am finishing up my makeup in the bathroom.

"Yeah, I'm coming now," I yell.

I take one final look at myself in the mirror and head down the stairs.

I walk into the living room and see Carter playing with Ethan. They are playing with a train set.

I love this view of the man I fell in love with in college playing with our son in our home.

I couldn't be luckier.

"Ready," I ask, making my present known.

"Yup," Carter stands up and picks Ethan up, putting him on his hip.

We are dropping Ethan off at Jensen and Jason's house so he can play with his cousin. Jensen and Jason had a baby boy, Oliver, who was two years old. Even the year age gap, they are best friends.

"Are you ready to go play with Oliver?" I ask Ethan, tickling his neck.

He squirms and giggles.

'Yeah!" he says happily.

We laughed while grabbing the keys, closed the front door, and headed to the car.

Once I buckled Ethan in his car seat, I closed his door and saw Carter waiting for me with the passenger door open. One thing still always does for me.

Once we get into the car, we drive to the Mitchell household.

Once we arrive, we get Ethan out of his car seat and head to the front door.

"Mamma, I knock," Ethan said

"Go ahead, baby," I say while giggling. I look at Carter and see him smirking.

Ethan knocks, and the door quickly opens, and we see Jensen.

"Hey guys!" Jensen says while greeting us with a smile

"Hey, Thank you so much for watching him," I said

"Of course, it will be nice to have Ollie out of my hair for a little while, " she says, and we laugh.

"Okay, Ethan honey, we a going to be back in a little bit," I say, crouched to his level He hugs me, and then Carter

"Bye," He says as he runs into the house, trying to find Ollie.

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