Chapter 27

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"Get the fuck off of her," Carter yells as he rushes towards us and tackles his dad.

I see Carter punching his dad through my tears.

I'm in such a state of shock that I don't know what to do.

I hear sirens making their way towards us. I'm relieved the emergency call worked.

They make it to the club while Carter is still on top of his dad, beating him to a pulp.

I stand here against this door, still watching all of this go down. Not being able to process what just happened.

The cops pull Carter off of his dad, and Carter makes his way over to me and wraps me in his arms, where I break down and cry.

The cops are trying to ask me questions, and I can't even form a sentence right now. All I know is that they are putting Mr. Jones in handcuffs and putting him in the back of the cop car.

Part of this feels like it's my fault. He wouldn't have acted out that way if I hadn't poured his drinks. This is my fault.

Carter told the cops what he saw and how his father would always make sexual comments toward me, so this was the first time he had acted out like this. Well, it's the first time he brought his thoughts into action.

The cops told Carter to take me home and that I should come to the station tomorrow for further questioning.

As we were about to walk to his car, I saw my manager, Dan, and the owner of the club, Ricky, make their way towards me. They must have seen the commotion on the outside security cameras on their phones.

Carter, thankfully, did all the talking and explained the situation.

"This is all my fault," I whisper in sobs.

"None of this is your fault, do you hear me," Carter says, placing his hands on my cheeks so that I would look at him.

"It is, though. He wouldn't have acted this way if there had been a bartender. He is drunk because I've served him. I didn't know." I say while sobbing Dan sighs and looks at me

"Brynn, this is most definitely not your fault. If anything, this is my fault. I told you to bartend with no experience, and I am so sorry for that." Dan says as I try to calm myself down.

Carter told them that Mr. Jones was his father and that he would constantly make comments to me at work. Both of my bosses looked shocked that they were just finding out about this now.

"Brynn, why did you never tell us this? He would have been kicked out ages ago," The owner, Ricky, says

"I didn't want you to think I was lying, and I couldn't risk losing my job," I stutter.

Carter quickly ended the conversation, saying we would continue this talk another time as he wanted to get me home.

We make our way to the car and get in.

During the whole ride, I stared out the window with tears in my eyes.

I see that we arrived at his house, and we walked in and saw all his roommates and Jensen in the living room watching TV. They all stop what they are doing and stare at me.

Jensen is the first to speak up.

"Brynn, oh my god, what happened?" she says, making her way to me as I start to cry again.

She guides me up the stairs to Carter's room as I hear him explain what happened to the boys.

Jensen helps me into bed and lays down next to me.

I can't explain myself to her right now; I won't be able to form a sentence. She gets the gist as she plays with my hair, and I drift to sleep.


I finish explaining to the boys what just happened and they all look like they want to murder my father for what he had done to Brynn. I was so close to murdering the son of a bitch, but the cops showed up.

I told the boys I needed to be with Brynn, and they all nodded as I made my way up the stairs.

When I opened my door, I saw Brynn asleep in my bed with Jensen next to her. I make my way to them and sit on the edge of my bed.

"What happened," Jensen said on the verge of tears, so confused about what was going on.

"My dad tried to rape Brynn outside the club," I say as I ball my fist with anger thinking back on what I said.

Jensen is now crying, and I explain the situation to her.

"I want to murder him, but he is with the cops now, hopefully forever' I say to her.

"How dare he do that," Jensen says while wiping her tears.

"I'm so mad at myself for not getting there earlier. I knew I should have left earlier than I did. It's Saturday night I knew there was going to be traffic." I say as I drop my head to my hands.

"You can't beat yourself up over this. You got there and stopped the situation from escalating more than it did," Jensen said, trying to calm me down.

I stay quiet

Jensen stands up and makes her way to the door.

"She needs you more than she needs me; I'll be downstairs if you need anything," She says as she leaves the room.

I take Jensen's spot right next to Brynn and stare at her.

How could he do that to her?

While she was sleeping, I decided to call my mom and tell her what was going on.

I dialed her number and brought the phone to my ear.

"Hi honey," She says cheerfully.

"Mom," I say, about to break.

"What's going on?" she asks worriedly.

"Dad, he, I, Brynn, cops, he, car." I can't even form a sentence I am too upset over this situation

"Carter, Honey, take a breath. What is going on?" She asks, getting nervous I explained to her the whole situation, and she is now crying and is probably in shock because she is quiet over the phone.

"Mom?" I say

"Yeah, honey, I'm here I'm just trying to process all of this," she says with a sigh.

"There is something else I have to tell you," I say nervously.

She hums over the phone, and I continue.

"Mom, Dad has been cheating on you. He has for a couple of years now, but I never told you because I didn't know how you would react, and I am so sorry. I should have told you sooner," I say

She doesnt speak for a moment.

"Honey, I know about the cheating. I have been trying to leave your father for years, but after hearing this, I have had enough of his bullshit. He is done," I hear her say, and I am completely shocked. How could she have known and not done anything about it?

After talking for another minute, we ended our call, and I looked back at Brynnley to see her cuddled into my chest.

My poor baby. I made a promise I would never let anything hurt her, and I broke that promise. I feel like a failure.

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoy reading! Please vote and comment and let me know how you are liking the book!

word count - 1236

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