18. Full Sight

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It wasn't until a few hours later that we were both able to fully settle into the room and just breathe. Though, part of breathing included work for Divine.

"I should've bought swim trunks." I mused as I stared out the balcony doors.

"Hmm?" Divine hummed before glancing up at me and shifting her feet slightly in my lap.

She'd put her glasses back on and was now dressed in a T-shirt almost a size too small with no bra to hide slightly pebbled nipples and short pajama shorts. At this rate, a fall from the balcony ledge would be less painful than the persistent throb of my dick.

It wasn't fully hard, but it wasn't quite soft. I was dangling on middle of a tight rope that was beginning to splinter and crack.

"Why do you work so much?" I asked instead of repeating my musings.

Immediately, I watched as defenses rose, and her back straightened to prepare for a battle of wills.  It wasn't necessary, but it would probably take a while before she really believed that I didn't mind her dedication to her work.

Sure, there would be times when it was inconvenient, but no more so than any other compromise between partners. If we were able to get to that point anyway.

Especially since Divine was this immovable object that crushed anyone that came along to try to push or pull it in a new direction. She had to choose when to give, and no one had proven to be worthy of that choice.

"Is it a problem for you that I work so much?" She asked, head tilted slightly with poised attitude.

"My only problem is that I don't understand it."

"I don't have to provide a reason so that my work schedule can be more palatable for you." Divine stated and tried to move her feet from my lap before I took hold of her ankle.

Equal amounts of challenge flared between us, and we both refused to give in to the other.

"Divine, don't confuse what I'm saying to you. I'm asking because I find it hard to believe that you'd miss birthdays and parties and whatever else for work without a good reason." My eyes bore into hers as I spoke the words, and I hoped it translated how serious I was. "Whatever you want out of this life, I support you. Just let me in."

Weariness rippled through her posture as she thought over my words, and I'd be lying if I said it didn't hurt to a degree. I was paying for the sins of those before me to get to the blessings I wanted to give her.

"So, why did you leave then? You probably missed twice as many things, if not more than I have. What's your excuse?" Divine sharply asked, but there was only genuine curiosity and something akin to sympathy.

In response, a rough sigh left my lips as I mulled over her question. Unconsciously, my hand left her ankle to rub at the lines across my forehead.

"The short answer is that I needed something new."

"And the long answer?"

"I felt like everyone around me was moving forward, and I was stuck standing in the same place. I was standing in quicksand, and I thought I'd die before I'd ever get a chance to even take one step."

Intense, but every word was true.

Being home was suffocating before I'd left. I was always chasing the next, unfulfilling breath, and it was turning me into someone I didn't recognize.

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