23. Whispered Confessions

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The days passed quicker than I would've liked them to, but Dezmon had stayed for every single one. He'd even wired some of the money he usually sent his mom every month to help me out. Admittedly, it did give me a little space to breathe and plan out my next steps.

Before, it was easy to deny him, but now, his actions were further proving the point I'd already come to. Every slice of my time with Eli was selfishly taking away from the things that actually needed my attention like my dad's treatment.

I needed to stay focused, and I needed support while I did it. Dezmon was the answer practically wrapped in a bow and dropped right in my lap.

"I'm surprised your doppelgänger isn't hanging around the house right now." My dad said from his usual recliner.

We'd been ruled the designated babysitters while everyone else went to work or school. Nia was scheduled to take over for my dad once she got out of classes and my mom got off, so they could go to his doctor's appointment.

"He's busy handling a few cases." I replied with a noncommittal wave.

Though, I didn't miss the clear displeasure my dad felt about it. I wasn't surprised since all the women in the family were like prized gems to him, so a new man wasn't often welcomed into the fold.

Before my dad could fully voice all his reasons to disapprove of Dezmon, my sister practically exploded into the house.

"Sorry! There was a huge crash on 85, and then I left class late to ask my professor a question—Hi, sweetheart—Would you believe some A-hole wouldn't let me merge..." Nia chaotically hugged and kissed everyone while recounting her day.

It was interesting to see the resident potty mouth suddenly reformed with children in the room.

We all chatted while we waited for my mom, only to receive a quick message that she couldn't get off like she'd planned. Which would've been fine if she hadn't sent Jaden in her stead.

As if thinking about him summoned his presence, Jaden breezed into the room in a way completely opposite to our sister. Carefree in every way but style, my eldest brother walked around like he owned the place.

"Hey, everybody. Hey, D." He nodded toward me specifically, likely trying to gauge my response to his presence.

"Jay." I responded, ignoring the light shove from Nia.

"Haven't seen you in a while." Four years to be exact.

"That tends to happen when you have to work to keep food on more than one table." I stated, a pointed glare thrown in his direction.

For a brief moment, I remembered that we weren't always like this. Sure, Jianni's death had caused a rift, but it wasn't until I went to college that we really started to argue.

Jaden had graduated high school and decided to backpack around the world. It didn't matter that we needed him here because he counted one less mouth to feed as his noble contribution.

Even with him back, it was like pulling teeth to get him to help out monetarily or otherwise. Before, his twin's death had given him an excuse, but now, his own family filled that role.

"Here we go. Divine, the family savior! We should all thank you for the air we breathe." He rolled his eyes in blatant sarcasm.

"Maybe not for the air you breathe, but a thank you would be fucking nice!" I shouted, enraged per usual by his flippant disregard. "Thank you, Divine, for stepping up after Jianni died. Thank you for keeping this family afloat when I left. Thank you for sacrificing your own happiness for everyone else's. Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

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