Chapter 5

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Making friends with a toddler definitely wasn't how I saw my night going, but how could I resist those little green eyes that so closely resembled her mother's? After our declaration of friendship, Karlie helped the little one arrange the rest of the flowers as I gathered my things from the picnic table.

Karlie caught me as I tried to sneak away.  "Hey, Taylor, I'm taking Emery to the playground after this. Would you want to tag along?" She questioned as she took the toddler's hand firmly in her own.

"I'm sorry, I've got to get going.  Raincheck though, tiny?" I responded, directing my gaze towards the little girl.

Karlie nodded her understanding, but the little girl looked sad. Karlie leaned down and placed the little one on her slender hip before bouncing her reassuringly.  "It's okay, Em. We'll see Tay Tay another day," she smirked at me as she said the ridiculous nickname.

"It's been nice talking to you, Taylor, or really just someone who can form full sentences," she continues, smiling at me. "Maybe I can give you my number, and we can hang out sometime?" She asks with a slight head tilt, reminding me of the one her daughter had done earlier when asking me to be her friend.
"It's been great getting to actually talk to you too, Karlie, not just getting hit by your cart," I joke while passing her my phone to put her number in.  She quickly types the information into the device before passing it back to me.

"See you around, blondie," she smirks, carrying the little girl off in the direction of the playground.  I silently slip my phone back into my pocket and begin walking back towards the store.


I walk through the door to my home to be greeted by the aroma of the pie I had placed in the oven.  I check the timer I set, which has about 5 minutes remaining.  I slip off my shoes and place the grocery bag on the counter, pulling the pastries out for Joe.

"Joe, dinner will be ready in five minutes!" I call to the man who is somewhere in the large house.  Instead of being greeted by a yell in return, I hear a happy chirp from my fluffy white ragdoll kitten, Olivia.

I bend down to pet the cat, now weaving between my legs. Olivia is a kitten that Joe purchased for me after we moved in together.  Despite being much more playful than my first cat, Meredith, she was a great addition to our family.  Meredith has been with me since I was living in the dorms at college and was definitely the grumpy old lady of the house, and she didn't particularly care for Joe much.

Olivia soon grew tired of my pets and went off to find a window to perch in and soak up the remaining daylight. I went to pull the pie out of the oven when I felt a strong pair of arms wrap around me from behind, causing me to jump.

"Jesus, Joe! I could've dropped this pie," I scold him, giving him a small frown as I place the pie on the stovetop.

"Relax, Taylor, I was only playing around with you," he replies back with a roll of his eyes.  I move to grab a knife and pie server to plate dinner, Joe's eyes following me as I do so.

"What is on your face, for God's sake?" He asks, pointing to my cheek.  I reach my hand up and wipe at the surface, studying my fingers that are covered in white powder.  "Did you seriously walk around town like that?" He chides with a scoff.

"Sorry, I didn't notice it.  It's just flour from the pie," I reply meekly, tucking my head down to study my feet.

"I can't have my woman walking around town looking like a mess.  Do you know what it would do to my reputation if someone had seen you and the town started to gossip? What if they said it was drugs?" He questions, taking a step closer to me.

"I'm sorry," is all I can manage to get out.  I step back but find myself up against the center island.  I am hyper-aware of the knob jamming into my lower back as my breathing picks up.

"You better be," he finishes harshly, some spit from his lips finds itself on my face.  He backs away to assess the finished pie, and I let out a shaky breath I hadn't realized I was holding.

Ivy - A Kaylor AUWhere stories live. Discover now