Chapter 7

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Karlie and I had been texting all throughout the week.  We hadn't had the opportunity to meet up and go on a run because her daughter had been under the weather.  Taking care of a sick toddler definitely didn't seem like it was from the faint of heart, from what Karlie told me.

Meredith had been a great companion and confidant since Joe had been working extremely long hours at the law firm.  He was gearing up with his team to announce his run for mayor at the town ball on Saturday night.

Joe promised me that he would leave work early today so that he could go with me to the city to pick out the perfect dress.  However, an hour had passed since the time Joe had told me this morning when he left for work.  I didn't dare take my shoes off, knowing that he would still want to leave the second he walked through the door.

I sat cross-legged on my window seat, Meredith by my side, getting her long white hair over my outfit.  I stroked her comfortingly as I reread one of my favorite novels.  I was startled from my solitude whenever Joe burst through the front door.

"Let's go, Taylor, we're running late," Joe hollers into the house.  I resist the strong urge to roll my eyes but know that it will only cause unnecessary drama.
"Coming, babe." I slide my floral bookmark between the worn pages of my novel and brush the cat hair off of my skirt.  I grab my purse and hurry out to the waiting car.

"Hello, love.  You look gorgeous," Joe compliments, his hand automatically going to thread into my hair and pull me over for a kiss.  I gave in to his advance, even though I was mostly concerned about him messing my hair up.

"Thank you," I reply back shyly after he releases me from the kiss. I cross one leg over the other and smooth down my skirt, ending up fidgeting with the edge of it. 

"We're going to go to that boutique in the city to get you the most beautiful dress," Joe states, backing the car out of the driveway.  "I was thinking you could wear baby blue, and I'll match it with a tie," he trails off.

"Yeah, sounds good," I say back, knowing I don't have too much of a say in the matter.  I know that whatever Joe picks out, it won't be ugly because he wouldn't dare risk embarrassing himself at an event so important.

It takes about an hour to reach the boutique, most of it spent in comfortable silence, which is honestly such a rarity these days.  With all the pressure Joe has on him to make partner and succeed in politics, he has more of a short fuse than he used to for sure.  However, he always apologizes, and I know that once this is all over, things will get better again.

We walk into the store hand in hand.  The bells above the shop door ring as we enter, announcing our arrival to the owner.  The sweet older Italian woman, Giulia, rushes over and immediately takes my free hand in her own.

"Taylor, darling.  You're glowing!" she exclaims, looking me up and down. "Pre-wedding glow, or are you two going to be starting a family soon?" she mimes a pregnant belly to both of us.

I feel my cheeks heating up in a bright red blaze.  When she finally drops my hand, I immediately cross it over my abdomen.  Maybe I haven't been working out as much as I thought lately.

Luckily, Joe saved me by answering her with something I didn't quite catch, pulling her to the side, and discussing the vision he had for my dress.  While they discussed in hushed tones, I wandered the store, letting my fingertips reach out and run across some of the luxurious fabric. Satin, lace, velvet, and chiffon glided across my hands as I pushed through the racks.

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