Chapter 10

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Taylor and I didn't have a chance to talk much further as a certain toddler demanded her attention to show the blonde her stuffed dog.  She shoved the dirty stuffed animal in Taylor's face when the blonde got on her level, nearly knocking her over.

Seeing Taylor interact with Emery made my heart swell with happiness, even though it was clear Taylor didn't have much experience with kids.  Emery had decided they were friends and that was the end of it; Taylor didn't have much of a choice.

"Okay, my love.  It's time for breakfast, let's go put Jo-Jo on the couch and go sit at the table," I told the toddler, who immediately sprung into action and pulled Taylor along with her.

I plated the muffins I had made and brought the bowls of cut up fruit to the table.  Emery and Taylor followed shortly behind, Taylor taking the seat next to Emery's highchair.  Emery attempted to climb into her seat by herself, but I grabbed her and helped lower her inside the seat before taking the chair across from Taylor.

I broke the muffin into pieces for the toddler before handing her the plate.  She immediately dug in with her hands and began shoving the pieces into her mouth.  Taylor had a small look of disgust on her face at the sight of the crumbling muffin all over Emery.

"She always eats like that.  I would say it's because she just loves my baking that much, but I think it's a pretty standard toddler thing," I explain with an amused smirk.

Taylor had just gone in for her first bite and her eyes became wide as she bit into the pastry.  She covered her mouth with her free hand as she chewed.

"Now I totally get it.  This is delicious, Karlie," she praised, making me beam.

"Thank you, Taylor.  I mean I would hope they are good. It is my job after all," I say with a wink.

"Seriously?! That is awesome, Karlie.  I would buy like a thousand of these from you," she gushes, taking another bite out of her muffin.

"Yeah, it's just something small I've been doing the past few years.  I work all from home so that I can stay with Emmy, for the most part.  I used to work full-time in tech, but couldn't imagine going back after giving birth," I said with a small frown, looking over at my messy, crumb-covered baby.

Taylor's eyes followed mine before looking back into mine.  Her ocean blue eyes peered into my soul, and I could feel all the questions she was dying to ask but was holding back.  She holds my gaze for a few moments before clearing her throat. 

"Well, you are an amazing baker and mom.  I'm sure Emery is glad to have you around," she states.

"Thank you, Taylor.  That means a lot."

We fall into a comfortable silence as we both enjoy our breakfast, the only noises coming from Emery when she asks for a second helping, accompanied with the hand sign for more.  I smile cheekily at her before obliging her request and adding more food to her plate.

I look back at the blonde and see that she is nearly finished with her own food and is watching the two of us.

"Whenever you're ready, Tay, I can get you some clothes and you can shower," I offer to her while wiping Emery's messy cheeks.

"That would be nice," she replies back softly.

I make sure Emery is situated with enough food before standing and making my way to my bedroom.  The blonde follows, but lingers in the hallway when I enter my room.

I quickly pull a matching sweatshirt and sweatpants from my drawer, figuring it will be comfortable for Taylor to wear on her way home.  Returning to the hall, I hold the folded clothes out to the blonde.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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