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(So I got a good few ideas for what missy could say to cause a fuck up for the Capitol. I was given Percy as one of the g!p protagonists, a disease mentioned twice, and then a fake future child... Sorry for whoever gave me the first idea, but trust me, if I thought of it earlier, I would have already kicked her in the balls not to make it a secret. I'm probably not going with that idea; I still need to decide between the others. If you want the disease idea, it would be like Prim deathly ill, and Katniss would have needed to give a blood transfusion but couldn't since she left for the games when the disease came. For the fake future kid I thought of her mentioning Peeta since people would have seen his whipping and he was their donor so still a pregnant Katniss.... Mmmm I need to choose)

It looked like no one wanted to be here.

The staff trying to create hostility but the victors had pushed their tables together, eating as one, even careers showing the lower districts how to throw a spear or hold a weapon. No one truly wanted to go back in the arena that marked all of them.

But right now the dear readers will get their magnificent roof scene that they got cheated out of.

Tho it is not as expected.

"Ah! Up here they can't fuck with me! You suck!"

Yeah... Percy was yelling at the passerbys below, knowing she couldn't be heard, plus she was alone.

She gave a little sigh, still smiling.

Scratching her head.


Well this is boring.

Looking over the ledge of the stone wall tho.

With a hop, she pulled herself on it, standing, hands held up.

This was no breeze, it was a storm preparing to beat down on the Capitol, dark clouds brewing and wind whipping her hair.

She wondered if something might stop her from jumping if so she wished, concluding that probably since losing a tribute before the games was unheard off after the reform of the games she learnt about, having been taught that after the 10th the games got an overhaul even if it wasn't known why.

But she was not about to test it, imagine if there was this oversight and she fell to her death, that's not how she wants to go out even if the idea of having her own destiny in her hand was appealing.

But she's just a fake jacker, no wings, she can't fly away, all she has is a sting.

Humming, spinning step off on solid ground, the ledge was not even a meter high but just at that height the wind's strength was more then here.

Watching the clouds drown out the sun as it looked like a blanket of rain fell.

Lifting her hand, water gathering fast in her palm, seems even the world is crying for this injustice.

But Percy smiled.

She always liked the rain.

It was a weather all ran from, wanting to stay dry while she could stay out in thunder storms willingly.

Who'd go out their way to go out in one of those just to hurt her?

In the rain, no one would bother her.

It was peaceful as the clouds were not angry at her but at the world.

"Ah..." Leaning bck against the ledge with a grin. "Fine, just a moment more." She told herself.

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The Trackjacker And The Mockingjay (Katniss Everdeen X F.OC)Where stories live. Discover now