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━━ love and death. (2024)
edward cullen x fem!oc
chapter four

I sat on top of the picnic tables and leaned back on my hands while Sunny and Amanda took a spot on the seats below me. My eyes kept grazing over the crowd of arriving students at our school. I was desperate to confront Edward about his freakishly weird problem about me — I wanted an answer.

I looked over my shoulder and watched as the boys started kicking a soccer ball back and forth. Beau was sitting at the table right behind us with Angela and Jessica on his arms.

I sighed heavily through my nose and the action caused Sunny to glance up and pat my thigh with a smile. "Can't find your boyfriend, princess?"

I decided to ignore her question and respond with my own. "Isn't it cruel how he tried to switch classes? And not even show up today? What the hell is his damage?"

"Well," Amanda snorted. "You were pretty rude to him in class. We heard bits of the conversation girl."

I arched an eyebrow down at my friend then looked to Sunny for confirmation. She immediately nodded her head.

"Well he — "

"Did he do anything to offend you?" Amanda asked. "And be honest."

I slowly shook my head. "No. But he did look like he smelt a skunk when I sat down next to him. He looked revolted."

Sunny snorted under her breath and I quickly kicked her knee with the tip of my foot. She winced and retreated by shifting in the opposite direction from me.

"All I did was lay down some ground rules," I continued to explain. "My only priority is getting through the school year on honor roll and I didn't want him getting in my way."

Amanda tapped her pen against her chin. "And did he say anything nasty in response?"

"I would've," Sunny whispered. I shot her a glare and she shrugged. "Well think about it, you did technically attack him. Did you even give him a chance to defend himself or compromise?"

"Erm — no."

"Well there's your answer." Amanda pointed at me with her pen. "You can't expect someone to want to stay in the same class as you, let alone share the same desk, when you automatically attack them."

"So, technically you owe him an apology." Sunny agreed.

I sighed heavily once again, falling into dismay with realization that maybe I am the asshole instead of the other way around. I thought I was doing myself a favor and a purpose by putting my foot down in front of him, but in reality he never actually made me believe we were enemies.

Now I felt like the douchebag. I'll need to fess up and apologize to him when he returns to school — if he returns.

Four days had passed since my interaction with Edward. At first I started having anxiety about confronting him about our last chat — he had every right to throw a book in my face but I had a small problem with being told I'm wrong.

Something i've inherited from my mother, probably.

I was walking down the hallway with my brother trying to get to my biology class. But it wasn't until just five minutes ago he found it necessary to tell me he and Edythe Cullen started talking.

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