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━━ love and death. (2024)
edward cullen x fem!oc
chapter twenty

It was a dream. A long never ending dream that felt like a nightmare and heaven all at once. I could feel my entire body lifting itself out of the sleep coma I was in for however long — the lights behind my eyelids felt painful and bitter.

I was covered in soft material and when I moved my fingers they brushed against a fuzzy fabric. I was definitely laying on a bed — my head was resting against a huge fluffy pillow that truthfully I wasn't very fond of. I always like my pillows to be a little worn down or else my neck would hurt after a while.

I tried to move my legs but one of them was weighed down by something ridiculously heavy. If I opened my eyes would I see James? But I highly doubt he would tend to my well-being by giving me something other than a solid floor to lay on.

Unless I met my fate in the ballet studio — and I've succumbed to my death, officially.

I decided to take the chance to open my eyes and face whatever natural disaster I was going to find luring in front of me like the shadows of death. Maybe I would see the grim reaper staring at me, waiting for my acceptance to take me away, or maybe I was home in bed with dad downstairs watching a game.


My eyes flew open and I just about flung out of bed in sheer panic. Instead of my bedroom or James special dungeon for victims — I was in a hospital room and my mother was staring at me with wide pitiful brown eyes.

"Aspen! Oh my — sweetheart." She had her hands up in a form of defense, blocking my chance of falling out of bed. "It's okay! You're okay." She lowered them now to rest against my leg, situating herself back down into a chair she was occupying.

"What — " I rapidly turned my head to scope the room. Edward was 'sleeping' on a small cot beside me but my mother kept us apart. "He hasn't moved from your side since you got here," She whispered to me so he wouldn't wake up — or so she believed.

She sniffled and used the back of her hand to wipe away some tears falling down her cheeks. "It's so good to see you're awake."

I slowly laid back on the hospital bed but continued to gaze around the room. A table across from my bed was covered in flowers, get well soon cards, and a brown fuzzy bear holding a red heart.

My mother must've read the confusion on my face and the lack of words when she decided to finally explain what happened. Did she even know what happened? Does Charlie know?

"Edward came here in hopes to convince you to come back to Forks." My eyes fluttered to the right and I scanned my mothers face. "His father Carlisle brought him down and you went to visit him at his hotel — but you both had an argument. You tripped going down the stairs trying to leave — you broke your leg and went through a window."

Edward using my natural self defense mechanism to plant a lie to my mother was not only genius but annoying as well. It was like getting called out for being so short tempered and avoidant.

My mother started crying again but they were silent sobs. "I got a call from your dad that you would be on your way home and he wanted to make sure you were okay. I booked a flight here immediately."

A small twist in my heart for how she didn't hesitate to come after me. I kept my eyes glued on her own but I couldn't find the strength or energy to react the way she did. I was remotely still, nodding my head. "Yes," I agreed. "I tried breaking up with Edward and leaving but it looks like he found me again."

My eyes drifted over to where Edward still remained 'sleeping', perched up with his back against the wall and his hands resting over his lap. "I can tell he really loves you," she whispered. "We talked for a little here and there. He's a really sweet boy — your dad blames him though for what happened. It'll take a while for some warming up to do."

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