twenty four

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━━ love and death. (2024)
edward cullen x fem!oc
chapter twenty four

My day back at school felt too much like a blur. Beau didn't come out of his room this morning, Charlie was oblivious to the tension but wished me to have a good day. Except when I arrived after driving myself, Edward didn't show up. And when lunch time finally came around — the table where the Cullens usually sat was completely empty.

"Hey, Aspen." Amanda nudged my elbow. She sat beside me at the lunch table and Sunny was occupying the other seat beside me.

I glanced away from the empty table lingering in the distance and looked at my friend quietly. She tilted her head to the side, "everything okay? You haven't said much all morning."

"You and Cullen have a fight?" Mike asked from the other side of the table.

"Whatever it was about, he obviously lost." Eric teased by motioning towards the empty table.

I narrowed my eyes at the boys then looked away with a blink. "Hey, Pen. Want to help me put together winter formal for freshman in December? The committee is pretty low." Sunny asked and pushed a stack of paper in front of me. "Angela is making the flyers and communicating with the yearbook class, Amanda is discussing food, and I'm in charge of the decorating."

"Yeah sure," I quickly dismissed the subject. "Maybe. Ask me again in two months." I shrugged my shoulders and got up from the chair while grabbing my try of food. I dumped the remaining into the trash and put the tray on top of the trashcan before exiting the cafeteria.

I tried to look for him in the hall way, maybe he decided to show up late and take the morning to himself. I checked my cellphone for any calls or texts but there was no sign of life coming from him. Even my text from last night was completely ignored.

The drive home from school was in complete silence. I couldn't decide on the music I wanted to listen to and nothing on the radio was currently satisfying me.

When I parked my car out front of the house, Beau's truck was gone and I had a feeling we wouldn't be speaking to one another for the next few hours.

I grabbed my book bag from the backseat and just as I went to lock the doors, Edward emerged from the woods and I smiled softly at his presence. But slowly the smile began to fade away when I took in his appearance — still wearing the same suit from the party last night.

Vampires didn't sleep but yesterday's events was keeping him up all night, I could see it in his face.

"Walk with me?" He asked, his voice distant and low, not reaching out for me but leading us both through the woods silently.

Dread starts to flood my heart as I willingly followed up through the looming trees slowly swaying back and forth with creaks. He stopped in front of a fallen tree and I tried to prepare myself for what he was going to say.

"We need to leave Forks."

I furrowed my eyebrows with uncertainty. "What? Why?"

He finally turned around to face me but he was completely unreadable. "It's time. Carlisle's supposed to be ten years older than he looks; people are beginning to notice."

LOVE AND DEATH, edward cullenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें