17. A Big Announcement

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"Greetings, Kahal." King Jopheth nodded to his son as he joined them in the dining hall.

"Greetings all." Kahal took his seat across from his father as he glanced down at the table. Nods and words of greetings were given just as food was brought in.

"I always look forward to these weekly dinners with the whole family." Queen Thala announced as she spooned the contents of a dish onto her plate. And of course having Lady Biechta join us has been quite a treat as well. Have you been enjoying your stay?"

"Yes, my queen. Thank you for your hospitality."

"You're quite welcome. Tell me, what about the grand hall have you enjoyed the most so far?"

"Oh." Biechta paused, obviously nervous. "It has all been so lovely, my Queen, I couldn't possibly choose."

"Splendid." Thala replied. "I hope my eldest son has proven hospitable? You two are getting to know each other well, I assume?"

Biechta's mouth opened but words didn't come out at first. She glanced at the eldest son, then turned back to the queen and just gave her a simple nod.

Queen Thala looked at her son with concern. "Kahal?"

He didn't miss the authoritative tone in her voice. "My queen." He said before taking a sip of his water. "Lady Biechta has shown great interest in the Grand Hall's arts, which I'm sure you know are much more vast than what she has access to in the Eastern Quadrant."

Biechta tensed, nervous he would make a scene again as he had when telling her situation to his brother, but calmed just slightly when he said no more.

"Oh, splendid." Thala turned to Biechta.

"Yes, it was a pleasure to have you at our rehearsal, Lady Biechta." Halan, Joreth's wife added.

Biechta was too nervous to speak so she simply nodded and gave Halan a slight smile.

"Halan, how is the production going?" Ashima asked from down the table, beside Kietnan and across from Joreth and his wife.

"It's going to be magnificent!" She exclaimed. "The most fantastical production ever to grace the theater. Qarthans will have a hard time believing it's not fiction!"

Ashima laughed and smiled brightly. "Yes, I would imagine so. I'd have a hard time believing the story myself, if I wasn't there and a part of it."

"Speaking of which, can you come by within the next few days? I need your opinion on some script changes."

"More changes?" Kahal groaned. "The last approval was the final one. I do not have time to read so many script changes during my busy schedule."

"These are simple stage directions, Kahal. I'm not changing anything else that needs your approval." She glared at him and he narrowed his eyes at her in return. Eventually they both chuckled and returned to their meal.

Conversation moved to another subject and Biechta watched in amazement as the family conversed, smiled, and teased each other. They all seemed so... comfortable. She had never had meals like this at her family table.

"Lady Biechta?"

"Hmm?" She looked up, trying to see who addressed her.

"I was asking if you and Kahal have arrangements for more meetings to continue getting to know each other or do I need to have another word with him about his busy schedule." Thala asked.

"Mother." Kahal said warningly.

Biechta's mouth fell open and she quickly closed it, trying to school her features to hide her surprise.

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