20. A Ridiculous Notion

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"Bi!" Ashima exclaimed as she opened the door of her dwelling to find Biechta standing on the other side. "Come in!"

"Greetings, Ashima. I hope I'm not intruding by showing up like this."

"Not at all, please come in and have a seat." The two women sat on either end of the sofa in the living room of Ashima's dwelling. "I'm so sorry I upset you the other day." Ashima began.

"Please don't apologize. I actually wanted to come here to thank you." Biechta cleared her throat. "I've been in denial for some time now." She sighed. "And since I've arrived here I've tried to ignore the awkward comments and questions and looks of surprise, confusion, and even sometimes anger that have been shown when others learn of how I was raised."

She glanced away momentarily before taking in a deep breath and returning her eyes to Ashima. "I can not thank you enough for giving me the push I needed. I've never had anyone be so honest with me."

"I hope I wasn't too brutal."

"No. I... I've never had anyone trying to help me like that. I've never really had a friend."

"Never?" Ashima asked, surprised.

"Well, except perhaps..." Biechta looked away again, embarrassed. "Well, it doesn't matter. It was brief and I ruined it. I doubt he'll want to be my friend anymore."

"Who? What do you mean?"

"Forget I said anything." Biechta internally kicked herself.

"Are you talking about Othen?"

Biechta's eyes rounded in surprise and she gasped at Ashima. "How did you guess that's who I was referring to?"

"I have my ways." Ashima smiled. "Now, I can't imagine you've done anything so terrible he would no longer want to be your friend. How about you tell me what happened?"

Biechta did just that, giving Ashima a quick recap of Othen's kindness and patience and then his offer to teach her a tune on the piano. And how poorly she reacted to such a kind gesture.

"I'm thoroughly ashamed of how I reacted." Biechta added.

"We all do things we're not proud of. I'm sure he will understand. He's a very kind person."

"Yes.... I suppose you're right. But I'm so embarrassed."

"Have you changed your mind about learning the piano? If you could now, would you?"

"I did want to tell you about my decision."


"I've decided to move out from under my family's thumb. I want to learn to be my own person, like those other ladies you mentioned. Like you."

"That's wonderful! Congratulations!"

"In fact, I read that book you brought me."

"You did?!" Ashima bounced in her seat in excitement.

Biechta nodded her head. "I didn't even realize I still had it in my hand when I left until I got to my dwelling and there it was. So after a good cry and some soul searching, I started reading it. It was amazing! I had no idea such wonderful stories existed right in the pages of a book! I stayed up all night to finish it."

"I'm so glad you enjoyed it."

"You didn't mention that it was a romance novel."

"I didn't? Oh I hope that was ok?"

"Yes. In fact, I..." she fiddled with her hands as she looked down at her lap. "I honestly don't know much about romantic partnerships. My parents joined as more of a responsibility to their positions as it was a good fit for the province. And my uncle's wife passed away when I was young. I haven't had much interaction with partners outside of that. Seeing each of you these past few weeks has been... different."

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