26. A Friendly Request

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"Thank you for coming with me, Ashima. I'm learning these outdoor walks really do help clear the mind and help one relax."

"Definitely." Ashima smiled. "Anything in particular you're needing to clear your mind from?"

Biechta didn't respond, seemingly lost in her thoughts on the matter.

"How are the piano lessons going?"

"Oh." Biechta glanced at Ashima. "I must admit I would prefer to be much further along."

"I'm sure these things take time."

"Lord Othen has said the same."

"And I'm confident he knows what he is talking about." Biechta nodded and shortly after Ashima suggested they sit on a fallen log overlooking a small field.

After a few minutes of taking in the scenery in silence, Ashima asked. "How is Othen as a teacher? Is that aspect going well?"

"Oh, he's a wonderful instructor. He's very patient and very kind. I'm sure I sound much worse than he says I do."

"That does sound like him." Ashima chuckled. "He's a wonderful male." Biechta simply nodded and turned to look at the field instead of her friend. "In fact, I'm honestly surprised he is yet to be paired. I'm sure he would be a wonderful partner for some lucky female." Ashima commented as she kept her gaze on Biechta as the Qarthan female looked down at her hands in her lap.

After a long moment of silence, she responded quietly. "Yes... I imagine he would be."

"You and Kahal are no longer an option, right? You both agreed to just be friends?"

Biechta turned and looked at Ashima in surprise. "Yes."

"So... you're free to consider other prospects, right?"

Biechta simply stared at her.

Ashima sighed. "Maybe I'm not meant to try to skirt around the subject, so I'll just say it. Do you like Othen? Meaning as in a potential partner?"

Biechta's mouth gaped open and her eyes rounded before she quickly schooled her features and looked out toward the field again. "Lord Othen has been kind enough to help me during my time here but he is not interested in more than friendship."

"How do you know?"

"I..." She thought of the times when she thought they were having a moment of connection, where she felt flutters within her abdomen that she'd never felt before. Then remembered how he had always pulled away as if he could sense her longing and it repulsed him. Of course she did, how could she ever be good enough for a male such as him? "I just know."

"Did he say that?"

"Of course he didn't! We haven't discussed it."

"Why not? If you're interested, why not ask him?"

"After he undoubtedly rejects me in the most patient and polite manner possible, I'm confident I would not be able to face him again out of sheer embarrassment. And of course he would no longer wish to be in a room with me again either. No, it is best I simply be thankful to have his friendship instead of nothing at all."

"You don't know he would reject you."

"Yes." She said firmly as she stood and faced Ashima. "Yes, I do."

Ashima stood as well. "Did something happen?"

"I wish to return." Biechta turned and began walking back to the Grand Hall.

"I'm sorry, Bi. I didn't mean to make you upset. I promise I was only wishing for your happiness. And for Othen's as well. I care for you both.." Ashima said as she rushed to catch up with the woman's much longer Qarthan legs. "I won't bring it up again. I'm sorry."

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