41. Protective

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C: Good Morning my beautiful wife.

Charles wakes me up kissing the next day. I'm cuddled up in his arms and mumble. He laughs and rubs over my back to wake me up more and more. As I'm more awake, I look up with smirk.

E: Good Morning, prince.

C: Cheeky.

He throws his head back laughing. I turn around on my tummy to look at him.

E: What? You're Prince Charles of Monaco now.

He shakes his head and smiles as he moves a hair strain behind my ear.

C: Guess, I still have to get used to this title.

I turn back on my back and look at the ceiling.

E: I can't believe we're married now.

C: Everything happened so fast, but you made me to the happiest husband in the whole world.

He leans over to kiss me gently. I put my hand on his cheek, looking into his eyes. I'm so lucky. I still have these butterflies whenever Charles touches me.

C: How is our baby after these last couple of days?

E: Hungry!

I jump up from the bed to get myself ready. Charles sits up, shirtless. He looks so good. He runs his fingers laughing through his hair.

C: You sure the baby is still hungry after all these food or is it just mummy?

Wow. That sounds crazy. I'm not used to get called Mummy.

E: Hey!

I cross my arms and make a pouty face. Charles gets up and pulls me by my hips closer to him.

C: We should hurry up than, before the baby is going to hate me.

He grins and kisses my nose. I laugh and we make ourself ready before we go to the family breakfast. They're already eating as we walk in. They greet us all and ask how we sleep in our first night as a married couple.

My dad sits at the end of the table, his iPad in his hand to read the newspapers.

KG: The news are fantastic. Everyone is calling it the wedding of the century. You're already loved across the world.

E: Any word about me being pregnant?

I'm afraid someone leaked the news even tho I can trust all of them. But also because my baby bump is there.

S: No word at all. Also since our statement the other day.

QS: How is the baby? You were celebrating a lot?

C: Hungry.

He laughs and squeezes my arm to show me he's joking. I roll my eyes but my mum always says it's a good sign to be hungry.

KG: We got more dresses for you to hide your baby bump but I talked to the doctor. You're not able to fly out to Texas with Charles. You need to rest.

E: What? No! I'm going with him. It's gonna be Charles first race as a prince and my husband.

KG: Elisabeth! I've made a decision and I want you to start to respect these again.

I look down. Upset. Charles turns to me.

C: Hey, the baby is our priority. I'm gonna be okay. You should really rest, Betty.

E: But I'll also miss you.

C: It's just a week. I'm coming right back to you.

He kisses me but I sigh. I look to my dad one last time to convince him. But his decision stays.

We finish our breakfast and then we need to go and make our pictures for the upcoming pregnancy announcement.

*** Three days later ***

I walk into the room smiling.

E: I found a way how I can join you in Texas.

He looks up as he sits on the bed. He tells me about my dad's decision but I can tell he's proud and happy how supportive I am.

I tell him about my plan, that I'm gonna stay at the hotel to rest and take a doctor with me.

C: I don't know, princess.

E: Why? I organized everything.

C: I agree with your dad in this one. You need to rest. You shouldn't fly 12 hours with me.

E: You don't want me there?

C: I would love to have you with me. But everyone is gonna know you're there. They will follow every step. It's too much for you and the baby. Plus they'll wonder why you're not at the track.

I sigh and put my hand on my baby bump. I look to it.

E: Oh, you little baby.

Charles puts his hand on mine.

C: I promised you to protect you with all my heart, and that's what I'm doing right now.

I kiss him thankful. I appreciate how protective he became even tho I really wanted to support him  at the race. I accept the decision.

E: You're gonna be okay alone?

C: I'm the Prince of Monaco. I'll be good.

I laugh and kiss him another time. I tell him I'm gonna stay home.

C: Where do you wanna go to our honeymoon?

E: The beach. It's always so special with us at the beach.

I lay my head on Charles lap, thinking about the beach.

C: Oh yes, sounds perfect to me. I'll let Chris know, to look for something.


He's Charles personal assistance. He is the son of Dads assistant and was Simon's before. Why he's not Simon anymore? I don't know. Sometimes I shouldn't question the decisions of my dad. But Chris is gonna be intense I guess. He's also there to teach Charles all the royal matters and duties he has to do. He'll follow Charles from now on everywhere he goes.

I'm proud how good Charles is already doing. He's getting into his prince role very quickly. I'm sure.

Suddenly Lisa is walking in. Telling me my bath is ready. I nod and tell her I'm coming in a few minutes.

E: You wanna join me?

I grin to Charles.

C: You're even asking? Of course princess!

He jumps up and takes his shirt off quickly. I giggle. We both get into the bath together. We kiss a lot. We make fun with the bubbles, putting them on your heads or face. Like little kids. We laugh a lot. We kiss again.

We enjoy our last night together before he heads to Texas.

PRINCESS [Charles Leclerc] Where stories live. Discover now