45. Family

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I walk into the briefing room on media day. Not really sure what me awaits. But I never regret my decision.

Mattia: Oh, the prince is back. What an honor.

C: My wife is good, thanks for asking.

I sit down and roll my eyes annoyed

M: Charles, we're in the middle of the championship. A whole team is working on it. You can't just retire the car and run away. Seriously.

C: My wife got attacked by her ex. She was in the hospital. So yes, my priority was to fly back to be there for her and make sure she's okay.

I look to the team members.

C: I know you all work very hard, and I'm sorry for last week.

M: But we can't win a championship without a driver, Charles.

Carlos: Relax Mattia, Charles is here and we can still
win the championship.

I give Carlos a thankful smile and take a deep breath.

C: I'm here and do everything for the championship, but please respect my family and private life.

M: But it's getting out of hand, Charles.

C: I've talked with Elisabeth. My focus is full on Formula 1. But I want you to respect my family, you also can't yell at Arthur like you did.

M: Alright, let's give it another try and see how this goes.

He shakes his head not being convinced about it yet. I don't care anymore. My family is more important than anything else. We start with the main topic of the briefing.

Later I go out, followed by Carlos who stops me.

Carlos: Are they okay? We were so worried about them.

C: Luckily they are. I was scared man.

Carlos: It's still written all over your face mate.

He gives me a shoulder grab as he sees what a hard time I have.

C: I wish she could be here. I'm worried something like this could happen again, even tho he's back in jail.

Carlos: She's at the palace and safe there. Don't worry too much.

C: But it happened at the palace. Yes, we've got more guards but I have a bad feeling.

I shrug my shoulder upset but worried. I know why they always talked about safety. Being a royal is crazy.


While Charles is in Mexico, I've my first meeting after the attack again. I'm happy I can do something again, not only staying in bed the whole day. It was so boring. Always these annoying politicians.

I'm walking inside my dad's office where I meet him and Simon.

S: How was your first day back at school?

E: Haha. Very funny, Simon. It was so boring.

I roll my eyes laughing and sit down on a chair. My hand on my growing baby bump.

S: I know why I didn't want to be there.

E: Oh, that's why I had to be here.

You laugh joking.

S: Well they only want you or Charles. Not my fault.

E: Yeah, but I'm not the crown princess.

KG: Well, don't take me wrong Simon, but Elisabeth you've always been the favorite.

S: Yeah, because she's the fun and younger one.

He jokes, not being mad at all.

KG: With a future formula 1 champion on your side, you're the world number 1 royal.

He says proud, giving me a smile. I nod, already noticed that something changed. I mean the younger ones are always the favorites. Because we don't really care about anything at all. We will never been on the throne so why being so serious about it?

E: Well, we little one are the rebels.

S: Yeah right, Betty.

E: It's the truth!

I shrug my shoulder only thinking about how I always sneak out to meet Charles.

KG: Yes, I see Charles is starting to be the rebel too.

E: He's just protecting his family. You always wanted a strong man on my side, now you've got one.

KG: That's great, but he should show respect to my decision.

I look to Simon as we both try to suppress our laughter. Charles learnt from the best. From us. We're going to be in charge.

S: You're teaching us too good to how to be a royal. Your fault, Dad.

He shakes his head laughing, but also proud of how we turned out.

PRINCESS [Charles Leclerc] Where stories live. Discover now