48. Privacy

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E: How bad is it?

I turn to Chris after Charles left for the practice. We walk towards the paddock as Chris has his phone in his hand, walking next to me.

He hands me his phone as my dad calls me on mine. I read the headline of the most popular newspapers.

Royal Fake Marriage
Princess Elisabeth is using Charles Leclerc
Charles Leclerc wanted to be a Prince
No Royal Baby for Monaco
Everything fake in Monaco

Oh shit.

It was only a matter of time, that they would find out. I take a deep breath before I give Chris is phone back and answer my dads incoming call.

E: Hi, daddy.

KG: This can't happen to him, Elisabeth.

E: He's overworking. He didn't mean to say it out loud. It was a little mistake. It's just so much pressure on him. He has to grow into his royal role, he's becoming a first time dad, he wants to win the world championship.

Chris leads me into a room at the Ferrari hospitality so I can talk to dad on my own without sneaky medias listening to it.

KG: I know, but this is a scandal. The media is talking bad about you, about our royalty.

E: I'm not the crown princess, they should all calm down.

KG: My dear, I'm sorry but-

E: Dad, can you please support us and don't get mad? We're young parents to be who are followed by the whole world. Every little step.

I look to Chris who gives me a little nod to tell me I'm alone. He also leaves the room.

E: I wish we could be like normal people and try to grow into our role without everybody watching us.

It's silent. He doesn't answer. I can hear him breath. I play nervously with my hair while walking up and down.

KG: I know, my dear. But you're never gonna be normal. You're a princess. This will never change and something like this can't happen.

Of course not. Why did I even had a tiny bit of hope he would support us. He will never. He is the king. The royalty is his priority and I had to understand that. Family comes second.

E: Do you want us to deny it?

KG: Betty, it's - We will leave it like that without a statement. It's important that you and Charles are okay for your royal baby.

I sigh relived. He does have a little heart. I smile. I'm thankful he's supporting us.

E: Thanks dad, I love you.

I hang up and go to Chris to tell him, that we won't release a statement. I go over to the Ferrari garage to look for Charles. He walks out with a desperate glance on his face. He doesn't look good at all. I feel bad. All these royal things going on when the only thing he should deal with right now is the championship.

E: Hey Cha, you okay?

C: I can't Betty. This is stressing me out. The duties, the baby, the -

I interrupt him by hugging him. I put my hand in his cheek to look into his eyes smiling.

E: Don't. We're all okay and healthy. Also my Dad still likes you.

C: Wait, really?

E: We all love you. You can win the championship.

I kiss him gently.

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