Chapter 54

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Before they knew it, their tea had been consumed and Carmen had been sharp to hand her money to the waitress, along with a tip. She didn't want Levi seizing the opportunity, especially after he'd promised her that he'd let her pay. So once they'd finished up, the two thanked the staff and journeyed back to their horse, preparing to travel to the orphanage.

"What's it like?" Carmen wondered as she climbed onto the horse, sitting on her side to avoid ruining her dress. "The orphanage." She elaborated.

She'd been a little afraid to go there a few months back when they were building some of the additional buildings onto it. Her nightmares hadn't eased up much back then, and she was still scarred by her experience with one of the younger dolls, who she killed mercilessly. To be honest, she was still uncertain about visiting, fearing the fact that she wasn't the best role model.

"It's good for them, but none of them are really used to it." Levi explained. "Historia said that there are always fights between the kids, most of them wake up screaming, some of them refuse to sleep at all. The worst of them haven't spoken since they've arrived."

It was heartbreaking. The children who'd each been through so much were still struggling, she shared so much in common with them - for some reason, it made her more eager to meet them. Perhaps she could get through to them, or at least help in some way.

"But, despite it all, I think they're happy." He revealed. "Visitors like us, who know what it's like, will do them well." Carmen nodded, appreciating that he recognised her as reliable enough to talk to them and try to encourage them to heal.

"Guess we should visit more frequently." She added. "After the expedition of course."

The man hummed, agreeing with her suggestion while he continued to ride through the gates of Orvue, into the countryside of wall Rose. In the distance, they could see the large building sticking out from the trees and bushes. The exterior was similar to that of a castle, it was likely one of the fake kings old residence, which was way too extravagant for a singular person.

However, a con of the castle was that it was a decent journey away from the nearest town or village - at least a half hour walk, which was unusual for a place so crowded like wall Rose. It left the kids isolated from the real world, though it was probably better for them to adjust before being exposed to the surface people.

Within no time, their horse rode past the gates to the orphanage, allowing them to take in the beauty of the historic building. The sun was setting around them, which only made the sight all the more amazing. The kids probably would have noticed its appearance, but ,with being young, likely didn't appreciate it as much as the two scouts.

"Wow." Carmen marvelled while jumping from the horse.

"I've never understood why people made buildings like this." Levi got down from his horse. "But I suppose they're nice to look at." He tied his horse up in the small stable outside, which already housed a few of the staff's horses.

The amber sun caressed her face, reflecting in her dark eyes as she trailed them around the area. A few children were still awake, most of them separated into their own groups. To her left, a few of them were kicking around a ball, chasing each other around and sometimes even pushing one another to win. However, to her right, sat a group of girls, competing who could stand on their hands for the longest. It was a little impressive.

"Thank the walls you're here." Someone approached them, their voice tired and exasperated. Carmen quickly turned to look at her, barely recognising the Historia she'd befriended in her squad. This woman wasn't the naive little girl she once was, she was strong, mature and something about her screamed authority. It was a good change, though she couldn't say she envied the girls situation.

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