Chapter 58

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The red smoke spiralled into the air, within moments, the scouts gathered around both Armin and Erwin, awaiting their orders

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The red smoke spiralled into the air, within moments, the scouts gathered around both Armin and Erwin, awaiting their orders. When they heard of Armin's theory, their blood ran cold.

In the walls? Armin thinks that they're in the walls?

It was an odd theory, but it was perfectly plausible and equally as daunting. The walls were huge, at least 50 metres tall and covered a whole district - the enemy could be anywhere and everywhere all at once. It wasn't completely off the table for them to be hiding in some of the houses, the scouts had so little to go on. So upon hearing their orders, they went with their only option and scoured the walls, checking for cavities that could potentially hide a person.

Carmen waited on the edge, eyes still darting around since her eyesight was more advanced than most. Every so often, she looked at some of her recruits, checking they were up to standard and doing as instructed. As soon as she spotted a mistake, she let herself fall down the side of the wall, catching herself right beside one of the recruits.

"Haroldson." She scolded one of them. "I want you checking all the way to the bottom, those 5 metres you keep leaving unchecked could be harbouring an enemy." The assassin elaborated.

"Uh-, yes Drill Sargent." The man nodded, his voice slightly quivering due to the sheer amount of pressure on him.

Turning away, she was about to move on but felt compelled to at least give him some reassurance - as though it was her duty as his teacher. "There's no need to worry, you trained for this and I'm certain you won't allow all that work to go to waste. If the time ever rises, that training will be like a reflex. Got it?" She encouraged him. Seeing him relax slightly, she left him to his work and began to cover all the area's the recruit had missed.

As she was tapping her swords quickly against the wall, a smoke signal spiralled into the air and a series of events swiftly unfolded in front of her bare eyes. In an instant, Reiner had stabbed the soldier who'd signalled the flare and dived out of the cavity in the wall. Then the next thing she knew, Levi had raced to Reiner, stabbing his swords mercilessly into the shifter's neck. Yet, regardless of Levi's efforts, a yellow flash of lightning struck Reiner, transforming him into the armoured titan.

Carmen clenched her teeth, she thought Levi had gotten to him quick enough, but that wasn't the case. "Shit." She muttered to herself before looking over to the recruits. "Get back onto the wall's surface!" She ordered hastily as she began running up the wall, recruits following in suit. However, they barely made any leeway before dozens of yellow flashes erupted in the city.

Titans were emerging everywhere, and everyone was shocked at how abruptly they'd appeared. Carmen knew everything was running too smoothly for the scouts, something like this was bound to happen - but she couldn't get distracted or allow her recruits to freeze up upon their first titan sightings.

"Keep your focus on getting up the wall, there's no time for distraction!" She yelled at them, breaking them out of their fearful gazes and forcing them to follow her orders.

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