Day 18 [gunshots]

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Prompt fill: gunshots
Romantic pairing
Niko x AJ

"Like this?" Aj asked, pointing his gun at the aim with one hand, waving it around a bit. Going to play lasertag had been his idea, and it was a really great one as he'd already planned out how today was gonna go.

"Wha- no, wait," Niko snorted and moved behind Aj to help him adjust his position. He wrapped his arms around the smaller man, holing his laser gun with him in both hands. 

"There, now try shooting." Niko murmerd in Aj's ear. Aj leaned his weight back into Niko and slowly pulled the trigger.

The aim flashed bright pink for a second, signalling it had been hit. Aj grinned and nudged Niko with his hip. "See? I'm the best at this!" He cheered and turned around in Niko's embrace to nuzzle the underside of his boyfriend's jaw.

"We're gonna need a battle plan," Niko said lowly, squeezing Aj around the waist. "The other three will probably team up, and we need to be prepared."

Aj shook his head and softly stroked his fingers over Niko's nape. He tangled his hands in his boyfriend's hair before yanking his head down to his eye level.

"Concentrate! They're not gonna team up, look at them!" Both their heads turned to where their friends were. Chunkz was helping Sharky to get into his lasertag gear, strapping the vest around his torso, before sneakily attaching a tracker to his back as well.

Kenny was looking intensely at the layout map, apparently trying to memorise the whole thing and to find the best spots to hide and ambush them, while Sharky was carefully fiddling with Chunkz's laser gun, trying to change the settings, as Chunkz helped him with the uniform.

Aj turned Niko's head to face him again, "See?! They're a bunch of idiots and they will cancel each other out, with their poorly thought through plans." He leaned even closer, their foreheads touching. "We just need to make sure we take care of the winner and keep out of sight during their little infighting."

Niko grinned adoringly, "you're ruthless and I love you."

Aj smiled back, smugly. "Of course you do." He let Niko stand up straight again and placed a peck on his cheek. "I love you, too."

They both walked over to their friends,  Niko went and got his own laser gun from the counter and Aj moved next to Kenny. "You got it?" Aj murmerd under his breath. "Yeah," Kenny answered quietly, "the doors in sector B will be unlocked and I'll wait to ambush in sector C, behind the fourth wall."

Aj nodded once before laughing loudly as he jumped on Kenny's back, acting like he was trying to tackle him away from the map.

Niko watched his boyfriend fondly, leaning against the counter and grinned when Sharky came over to to them to help Kenny tickle Aj back into submission. Next to him, Chunkz stepped up and laid his gun on the counter next to his own.

Keeping his eyes trailing over his boyfriends and brothers he questioned silently, "were you successful?" Chunkz chuckled in response. "All done, the tracker is in place." He looked around and to his left to appear more subtle. "I put the control remote in the plant pot to your right."

Niko nodded and began laughing when Kenny approached, falling him around his neck. "You're boyfriend is a heathen,  brother. He's small and evil."

"Don't I know it." Niko snorted, clasping Kenny on the back. They both looked over to where Sharky was still wrestling with Aj, who had resorted to almost climbing on top of the other man, in an attempt to bring him to the floor.

"You reprogrammed the laser already?" Aj wheezed out between breaths. "Yeah," Sharky giggled out, twisting his upper body out of reach before trying to shoulder check Aj away.

"Yo!" Chunkz called out. "Quit your scrapping and get here, we're about to be let in!"

Sharky and Aj broke it up, walking over to the rest still chuckling. "Meet me in sector C as soon as we're in," Aj patted Sharky's back, discreetly dislocating the tracker on his back, sliding it in his pocket.

"We're here, we're here!" Aj called out, holding his hands up in surrender and squaked fake outraged when Chunkz pulled him into a side hug. "I switched mine and Niko's gun." Chunkz whispered quickly.

Aj struggled in his hold for show, "did he notice?" Chunkz shook his head unnoticeable in reply. "Nah, you plastering yourself all over Sharky was distracting enough - you gonna tell me why we had to switch guns?"

Aj wiggled out of his friends arms, sliding the tracker in Chunkz's pocket, nudging him in good spirit. "I knew Kenny was gonna mess with yours, it won't shoot right."

"That bastard." Chunkz whispered under his breath, "he'll be the first one to go."

Aj grinned devilishly. Everything was going according to plan.

Taking his place next to Niko, they waited for their signal to be let in. When it finally came, everyone spread out, unknowingly all making their way slowly towards sector C.

When it was just him and Niko, Aj raised his brow expectantly. "Chunkz tell you where the tracker control is?"

His boyfriend grinned back, "yep, already got it here." He pulled out the control and waved it in front of Aj's face.

Aj smiled and pressed a quick kiss to Niko's lips. "Let's go!"

They made their way carefully forward, closing in on sector C when they suddenly heard a gunshot followed by a scream, another gunshot and a second scream. Then cheering.

"Kenny took Sharky out, and I finished Ken!"

"Is that Chunkz?" Niko whispered to the smaller man confused. Aj suppressed a grin and shrugged, "must be, there's not anyone left. Use the tracker, let's find where they are!"

Niko nodded and pulled the control out again. Quickly running to the location it showed, they hid behind a wall, seeing Kenny and Sharky sitting defeated on the floor, Chunkz standing with his back towards them.

Niko raised his gun, but Aj placed his hand on top. "No," he looked up through his lashes, "let me?"

Niko smirked and placed a kiss on Aj's forehead. "Go ahead baby."

Aj beamed, before aiming and shooting Chunkz right in the back. "Yess!" He cheered as Chunkz turned around in disbelief, gaping at them.

Niko and Aj broke out from behind their wall, coming to them. "You lost!"

Kenny pouted up at them. "You can't both win, that's not fair."

"No, I guess not," Niko sighed out quietly, before pressing the muzzle of his gun against Aj's back. "I know you had some serious masterplan in place to make sure they shoot each other, baby." He pressed the gun against his boyfriend a bit more firmly. "Sorry, it had to end like this. Any last words?" Niko mocked in a smug voice.

Aj stilled, before turning his head and looking back over his shoulder. "If you think I didn't plan for your backstabbing ways, you don't know me well enough." He grinned, "go ahead. Shoot."

Niko frowned, pulled the trigger and-

Nothing happened. "Wha-"

Aj turned around slowly. Placed his gun on Niko's chest and bit his lip grinning. "I had Chunkz give you the gun Sharky manipulated for me."

In the background Chunkz gasped, "it wasn't Kenny?"

Aj giggled manically, "any last words?"

Niko shook his head in wonder, "I have never been more attracted to you."

Aj smiled lovingly and pulled the trigger.

~the end

[1259 words]

[Do you know how freaking long it took to come up with something fluffy for the prompt gunshots?? Horror. Aj's master plan was better in my head, tell me when smth doesn't make sense lmao.]

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