Day 21 [last kiss]

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Prompt fill: last kiss
Romantic pairing
AJ x Niko

Last kisses trough the years

[The one where we're running late, but just one more kiss]

"Niko, we gotta go," Aj murmerd against his boyfriends lips.

Niko nodded, carefully placing his hands on Aj's back stroking downwards. "M-hm."

Their lips connected again, and Aj hummed into the kiss. They really needed to go, Niko knew that. But could you really blame him?

Kissing Aj was addictive, being the one to hold him close and smother him in affection even more so. Niko couldn't count how many times he had just sat there, randomly staring at his boyfriend and admiring him.

If he could choose one activity that he had to do for the rest of his life, it definitely would be kissing Aj. Which is why it should be illegal having to compromise on snogging his lover's face off just because they were running a little late.

"Niko," Aj panted out of breath, inching back a bit and pressing his forhead against Niko's. "Yeah," Niko answered breathily. "Just one more kiss."

He leaned back in and whined quietly when Aj moved back. "Niko, we really need to go."

Niko tightened his hold around Aj's waist and chased after him. "We will - just one more kiss, Aj?"

His boyfriend sighed but allowed for their lips to meet again, tugging at Niko's hair. "Just one," Aj warned.

Niko smiled into the kiss, but all too soon, they separated again. For a second, time stopped as he stared into Aj's eyes before Niko's phone rang, and the silence was broken. Rolling his eyes in annoyance and keeping Aj close, he answered the phone.

"Mandem, where are you , we've been waiting since forever!"

Niko mouthed 'Chunkz', to which Aj hid his giggles in the taller man's clavicle. "Calm yourself, we're practically already out the door." He told his friend on the phone and grimaced when the response was a only a grunt and the dialling tone.

Aj looked up at Niko and smiled softly, getting a gentle squeeze on his hips back. "One last kiss?" Aj whispered secretively.

Niko beamed and sealed their mouths together again.

[The one where it's almost New Year's and I need an excuse to kiss you before midnight one more time]

The party was going for some time, sweaty bodies moving over the dancefloor and music playing loudly from various speakers, when someone announced that it was fifteen minutes till midnight and Niko's gaze landed automatically on his boyfriend.

Aj was wearing form-fitting black trousers, a white shirt underneath a dark suit jacket, and shiny black shoes. He looked amazing, and Niko couldn't take his eyes off him.

Catching his attention, he motioned for them to go outside on the balcony, where people started to fill in to see the fireworks.

Aj bounded up to him, grabbing his hand and dragging him along through the crowd. Once he was satisfied with his choice of place, he stopped and turned around in Niko's arms.

"This is a good spot." Aj nodded to himself, leaning up and pecking his boyfriend's cheek. "I haven't actually asked this yet because if you say no, you're sleeping on the couch for the next month, but will you be my New Years kiss?" Aj looked up at him with big eyes, and Niko's cheeks hurt from smiling so wide.

"Of course I will, love!" He pressed a kiss to the corner of Aj's mouth and let his boyfriend snuggle closer. "You got any New Years resolutions?" He mumbled curiously, face buried in the smaller man's hair. His lover nodded under him.

"Keep kissing the same person and seeing the aurora. It's bare romantic, I've always wanted to go once."

"Well," Niko laughed, "I sure hope you keep kissing the same person!" His eyes softened, and he tilted his boyfriend's face up to kiss his nose. "You wanna see the aurora, we're gonna go see the aurora."

Aj beamed happily, "don't make promises you can't keep, Mr Omilana."
Niko grinned down on him in response. "Don't you worry, Mr Shabeel, I do intend to keep this one."

Aj let his head fall into Niko's chest shoulders shaking with giddy laughter. "Nikooo," he dragged the o-sound at the end until his boyfriend pressed a finger to his lips to shush him. "Next to my New Year's first kiss, will you be my Old Year's last kiss as well?"

Niko snorted, "there's no such thing as an Old Year's last kiss." Aj gasped offended, "of course there is! The last kiss of the whole year!" He pretended to turn away resigned. "But of course if you don't want to...", he trailed off. 

His boyfriend snatched him around the waist and pulled him back. "No, I'll be your Old Year's last kiss!" Niko leaned down, tracing Aj's lip with his thumb and nudging his cheek with his nose.

"Good," Aj whispered and pressed his lips against Niko's.

[The one where we're getting married and I realised this is the last chance to kiss you while you're my fiancé]

"Nervous?" Niko asked, standing behind Aj and watching as he straightened out his tie in the mirror with sure hands.

Aj leaned back into him and closed his eyes, "weirdly not?" He turned in the embrace and looked up at his fiancé. "We're both not at all nervous, and it's freaking be out a bit. Shouldn't we be having second thoughts or something?"

Niko stroked over his back and shrugged. "I don't mind not questioning wherever we're making a mistake or not."

Aj nodded and smiled, "I've never been more sure of an answer than when you asked me to marry you."

Niko grinned fondly back, "and I've never been more sure that you're the person I want to spend my entire life with than when I asked you that question."

Aj moved over to where their boutonnières were. Picking the little flower arrangements up, he brought them over and pinned Niko's for him in place. "You know," he started, "after today, I won't ever be your boyfriend or fiancé."

Niko's lips curled upwards. "That means I don't have much time left if I want to snog my fiancé one more time, do I?" He adjusted Aj's boutonnière and ghosted his fingers over the flowers.

"Nu-uh." Aj moved closer and raised his brow. "Gonna have to kiss him right now before your soon-to-be husband will just be your husband."

"Seems like I do," Niko smirked and connected their lips.

~the end

[1095 words]

[Couldn't for the life of me come up with a single scene for this prompt that was long enough so I collected prompt ideas I had for [last kiss] and made a little collection. Technically that counts.]

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