Day 23 [celebration]

402 9 4

Prompt fill: celebration
(Pre-)Romantic pairing
Niko x AJ

"You coming?" Niko called out, putting on his jacket and grabbing his keys.

Sharky had invited them to celebrate New Year's with him, and it was nearly ten, the time when he said the party would start.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm here!" Aj replied, making his way downstairs and jogging the last few feet. "Can I go like this?"

Niko's breath hitched as he took in Aj's appearance. He was dressed in wide, silky, skirt-like trousers that made his legs look really long, despite his shorter statue and a glittery crop top that showed off his stomach.

His hair hung into his face in tight curls, and gold metal bracelets jingled on his wrist. He wore a gold ear cuff on one ear and had very subtle gold eyeshadow dapped on.

Aj looked absolutely beautiful, and Niko's heart skipped a beat. He hadn't even realised that he was staring mouth agape when fingers clicked in front of his face, and he snapped his mouth shut again.

"Niko?" Aj tilted his head, glitter shining in the light. "Is this okay?"

"Yeah, sure," Niko stammered out and tried to grin convincingly when Aj narrowed his eyes. Breathing out relieved when Aj dropped it and walked past him to the car, he asked himself how he was supposed to survive this night.

It was like the universe liked to taunt him with all the things he couldn't have. Ever since he admitted to himself and then a bit later to the bathroom mirror as well that he might like boys, the universe was out to get him.

Aj had a newfound love for glittery and shiny things, and it did things to Niko's heart, only being able to look and not touch.

Because while Aj didn't like any form of touch already, he became pretty much untouchable when he dressed up. Refusing basic human affection, so no one would accidentally ruin his outfit.

If he wouldn't look so freaking pretty saying it, Niko might have called him ridiculous. But as it was, he helplessly pined from a distance, watching Aj inspect his painted nails and smooth out the silk of his pants.

Silently, Niko wondered if the skin of Aj's stomach, which was so enticingly on display, was as smooth as the fabric of his clothes. It was a very inappropriate thought, but hear him out - it was Aj.

Niko couldn't just not look. He liked to think of himself as a fairly respectful friend, but even he had his limits. And he promised it wasn't something sexual, Niko just needed to know what Aj looked like waking up in his bed.

Ridiculous low-rise pants hanging off his hips, legs intertwined with his own and arms slung over his chest. Eyeshadow remains on the pillowcase and jewelery discarded on the floor.

Niko would coddle his best friend then, cuddle him close, kiss his hair, nuzzle into his neck, and smell the remainder of his cologne.

Pining never hurt anybody but his heart, he supposed, so it probably wasn't a big deal. Thoughts still circling around Aj's waist and legs and eyes, he almost missed Sharkys introduction to a few of his guests.

Now, how the hell had he gotten here?

He looked down in confusion and blanked out for a second when he found Aj's hand in his own. He had really soft hands. Really, really soft hands- oh, they were moving again.

Slowly he realised that Aj must've quite literally dragged him to the party and through the crowd, without him really noticing, due to being captured by fantasies about the very owner of the hand in Niko's own.

For a second, he spared a thought about the healthiness of this situation before Aj's body suddenly leaned into him, and they began to sway with the music.

Then, all rational thoughts said bye as they left his head and the world around him got blurry, Aj being the only clear image in a sea of trivialities.

The outside world only managed to force its way into his focus again when the mass around them started counting down from ten.


Aj's fingers clenched his shirt in a tight grip, their toes touching.


Niko gripped Aj's waist softly, the skin on skin contact making tingles crawl up his arms.


Aj looked deeply into his, eyes smiling softly and breathing out a soundless 'Niko'.


Niko's right hand travelled Aj's spine up, cupping the back of his head.


His breath catched again.


Aj moved to stand on his tippy toes, straightening his body, so he was upright.


Niko sunk his head in time as his best friend tugged on his shirt to bring their faces to one level.


His lips hovered over Aj's, breathing out softly.


Time slowed down.


And stopped.

Their lips met, and in time with the cheering and fireworks going off outside, sparks and lights went off behind Niko's eyes. He moved his lips against Aj, only separating after seconds, when they needed to breathe.

Gasping for air, reality came crashing in, and the next gasping breath Niko took was from shock.

His brain didn't seem capable of forming a clear sentence, confusion and ecstasy swirling through his body, and in his high of emotions and his heart screaming 'I kissed Aj all of my dreams came true' at him on repeat, the only thing that made it out of his mouth was, "you like me? Like that?"

Aj's face twisted in confusion, and he rocked back on his feet. "You asked me on this date?" He stated carefully, as if preparing to be laughed at, suddenly insecure about the kiss that had just occurred.

And - oh. He had asked Aj if he wanted to go to the party with him, even though he had never imagined Aj thought he was talking about it as a date and then agreed to it - but.

"I knew that." Niko nodded quickly, leaning back down to kiss Aj again. Because he could do that now, Aj wanted to date him and wow. His brain was still catching up on that. "Just making sure."

Aj frowned for a second before his eyes widened and a smile began to overtake his face. Quickly, Niko ducked his head to devour Aj in another kiss to stop his date - date! - from actually pointing out that Niko was just that horrendously oblivious.

Dipping Aj gracefully back and feeling his hands tangle in his hair, Niko forgot the world again.

New Year's day couldn't come fast enough, he thought, as they would finally wake up next to each other.

~the end

[1111 words]

[I like new years prompts. I hope this counts for the prompt cuz ngl I had something completely different planned but nikos brain didn't agree.]

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