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Saena was lazily laying around on the living room couch. She was thinking about what to do with Chan.

Yesterday, after Kylo found out it was Jisung he just left the house and Saena hadn't heard from him since.

That was until she heard a knock on her front door.

"It's open!" She yelled, too lazy to even get up. At this point, she didn't care if it was a serial killer breaking into her home.

"Bitch get up I'm taking you somewhere!" The person yelled as they walked into the living room.

Saena's head shot up as she heard the voice.

"What the fuck are you doing here Iris? Don't you live like- 2 and a half hours away?" Saena questioned, getting up from the couch

"Yea but I have some family shit here and I haven't heard from you in forever so, I concluded that something happened and me being the good friend I am I'm going to help you. Now come on" Iris dragged the younger one out of the house.

"Can I at least put my shoes on? Thank you" Saena said as she freed herself from Iris's hold. She did as said and locked the door.

"You done?"Saena nodded. "Good, now come on babe" Iris said as she dragged Saena towards her car


"Come on!" Iris yelled as she dragged Saena towards a convenience store. "Wait here." She said and ran into the store.

She soon emerged from it carrying two plastic bags.

"Now follow me" she ran towards a park, Saena soon following

They ran to a bench in the middle of the park. There was a playground in the distance as they could hear the faint laughter of children. They were surrounded by trees and there was a small fountain in the middle.

Iris took out the smacks and banana milk from the bags. She handed some to Saena, who was quiet most of the time. Iris opened a bag of chips and plopped a chip into her mouth.

"Now, wanna tell me what's the problem?" She asked, opening the banana milk carton.

"It's Jaemin, this whole time he was actually Chan from Stray Kids." Saena said and the older did a spit take from the shock. She started choking and Saena had to hit her back.

"WHAT?!" She screamed once she was done choking.

Saena showed her the photo Chan had sent her. "I don't know what to do!" She whined and lay back on the bench. "He lied to mer for almost 3 years! 3 YEARS!"

"He did have a good reasonto lie. I'd just forgive him." Iris shrugged

"It's not that easy..." Saena kept whining.

"If you really like him it would be easy. Trust me, I believe he would never intentionally hurt you so just forgive him. You won't be miserable" Iris said to which Saena sulked

"Stop sulking and cheer up.Come! Last on the swing pays for the snacks!" Iris yelled as she ran to the playground

"How is she 26 years old..." Saena wondered and ran after her.


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