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Stray kids shitz 😻✨

*one video attached*
What did y'all do to her😭

I'm scared
Like actually.


And then she said she
ain't mad
"New high score!"

I can see your messages
You know that?
Oh god I don't wanna even
look at my username.
Fuck I can't change it.
I hate this.


"What's wrong? Isn't Minho your ult?" Dokyun asked the older female. They were currently sitting in a cafe that was in the mall.

"I told you it's nothing." She answered again, staring into her almost empty cup of coffee.

"No you're not." Saena sighed. "What happened?"

"You wanna know what happened?" Iris said, raising her voice a little but not enough to draw attention. "Minho is a dick. That's what happened." She huffed and abruptly stood up, walking away.

Miso stood up and ran after the female.

"Jeez what's her problem?"  Kylo laughed slightly as he paid for their drinks and started walking after the two. The other three soon followed.

"I don't know and I don't wanna find out. She's scary when she's mad." Seolya said as they caught up with the two.

"Wanna go to the karaoke club?" Miso said as she pointed to the mentioned place. The others agreed and headed inside.

They paid for a room and ordered drinks.

"What song do y'all wanna sing?" Saena asked as she held the remote, scrolling through all of the available songs.

"Put Super Lady." Iris said as she snatched the remote from the younger and put on the said song.

The intro music started as all the girls took a microphone. Iris started singing the intro.

"I am on top Super Lady. (Ooh)
I never lose yeah. (Cause I got super power)
I am a god Super Lady. (Ooh)
I never die 봐지
모두 follow!"

They continued to sing the whole song, Iris as Soyeon, Saena as Yuqi, Seolya as Minnie, Miso as Miyeon and they took turns as Shuhua.

After the song was over, they all started clapping.

"Iris you sing so well!" Kylo complimented as he clapped together with Dokyun.

"I know." She laughed and the other five smiled seeing as they made their friend happier.

"Well Kylo you can sing as well." Saena said.

"Well yeah but I can't sing high notes.."

"But you can sing deep ones!"

"I can sing high notes!" Dokyun said.

"Really? Can we hear?" Seolya asked, slightly jumping from excitement.

"I guess.. uhm..." He took a deep breath before singing the end of Seungmin's Stars and Raindrops.

They were all stunned with mouths agape.

"BRO YOU'RE SO TALLENTED!!" Saena yelled.

"I wanna hear Kylo. Please?~" The youngest begged, looking at the other male.

"Fine, what do I sing?" He asked looking for a song on the screen.

"Megaverse." Miso and Seolya yelled at the same time.

Kylo took a deep breath before putting on the song. The music played for a bit before he started singing.

"In deux trois run along with the gods
Jumping between every verse
The multiverse ain't ready for out universe
First second third fourth wall we're breaking them all
Unbeatable score
Our composition brings the competition
But we've already won in this Megaverse!"

"BRO YOU SOUND LIKE A GODDAMN DEMON!" Miso yelled making everyone laugh.

"You're so talented!" Iris complimented.

"Thanks." He slightly blushed.

"You are so cute when you blush.." Saena said, receiving a slap on her arm.

"Shut up.."


I am so tempted to make a special book for Iris and Minho oh my god-
I'm not even ⅕ done with my Kylo and Jisung story😭
Once I finish this story I'll focus on that one but for now it has only 4 chapters

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