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It was time for them to meet Hyunjin. They told Miso and Dokyun that they'll go meet Jaemin's and Peter's friend.

"What is their name?" Iris said, not knowing that she's about to meet one of her idols.

"You'll see.."



"Clean the dorm yourself! Why do I have to do it?" Seungmin whined as he was cleaning the bookshelf that they had in their dorm. They didn't touch it in ages, so it was pretty nasty.

The others were doing other jobs, except for Chan and Jisung who were writing some songs in their studio. Changbin was vacuuming, Felix and Jeongin were cleaning the living room, Seungmin was cleaning all the shelves while Minho was cleaning the bathroom. Poor guy.

Hyunjin was standing there, bossing them around.

"Stop whining!" He yelled and the younger rolled his eyes and continued cleaning.

After about half an hour they were all done.

"Why were we even cleaning all that?" Jeongin questioned.

"Spring cleaning day! No but for real Hyunjin, what is the real reason?" Minho asked annoyed, wiping the sweat off his forehead.

Hyunjin cracked his knuckles. "You know how Chan and Jisung whine about how they can't be with Saena and Kylo?" The others simultaneously nodded. "Well, they may or may not have flied to Korea today..."

"WHAT?" The others yelled at the same time. Hyunjin just shrugged.

"They should come here any minute, to introduce themselves, bla bla bla..." Hyunjin explained.

They talked amongst themselves for a few more minutes before the doorbell rang. Hyunjin ran to the door and took a deep breath before opening it, seeing 3 females and a male.

He smiled brightly and hugged the first female.

"You're here Sae!" He yelled. The said female chuckled and hugged back.

"I know"

Hyunjin let them in. Seolya had to pull Iris into the dorm because the poor girl was shocked. I mean, who wouldn't be seeing their idols.

"You look like Seungmin!" Changbin laughed as he looked at Saena.

"Everybody tells me thatttt~" she whined while the others laughed.

They all introduced themselves, until it was Iris's turn.

"H-hi. I'm Iris, I'm 26 and I'm shocked!" She slightly yelled the last part, making everyone laugh.

"Who's your bias in skz, Iris?" Minho asked. The female turned away, flustered because her ult bias just said her name.

"You're her ult Minho." Seolya laughed after saying that. Iris's eyes widened as she attacked the female. Minho smirked and walked up to Iris, wrapping his arms around her waist, back hugging her. The members were shocked. Minho hates hugs.

"Why so shy, baby? Hm?" He whispered in her ear. Her face turned red as she pushed him away and hid behind Saena. They all laughed at her flustered state.

Everyone except Seungmin.

"You okay hyung?" Jeongin asked, catching the attention of everyone else.

Seungmin was staring at Saena, a confused look on his face.

"Saena, do you by any chance have a younger brother?" He asked.

"Yeah, but our parents divorced and I moved to Germany with our mom while he stayed with our dad." She explained. Seungmin's eyes widened.

"Why do you ask?" Felix questioned.

"Uhh- nothing.. nevermind." he said as they all continued to converse.


New couple...?👀👀
Also y'all probably already realised something about two specific characters..
Ups spoiler heh-

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