Chapter 34

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*Lucy is sitting on the couch, Wesley is next to her as he's her attorney. Nyla and Angela are in front of them*

Angela : so let's start. You know the protocol Lucy, we have to start an audio recording
Lucy : yes
Angela : we will introduce ourselves one after the other, Lucy you can start
Lucy : I'm officer Lucy Chen, Tim Bradford's girlfriend
Wesley : I'm Wesley Evers, Lucy Chen's attorney at law
Nyla : I'm lieutenant Nyla Harper
Angela : I'm detective Angela Lopez. Great, now I have to read your rights. So, you have the right to be represented by a lawyer. As a police officer, you do not have the right to remain silent, otherwise this will be considered as guilt.
Lucy : I wanna help Tim, I'll tell everything I know
Angela : good, can you tell us what you remember ?
Lucy : from when ?
Angela : before the moment you think Tim was poisoned
Lucy : that was 3 days ago, when Tim ordered food. To tell everything, I spent a very bad night, Tim didn't sleep all night. I couldn't cook and Tim was too tired to cook, so he ordered something on an app. The delivery man gave Tim our food. I didn't eat much, but Tim ate everything. Then we went to the beach. He told me how he felt when I was...
Wesley : do you need a break ?
Lucy : *take a deep breath* no it's okay. So he told me how he felt when I was abducted. While he talked, a strange man passed near us, he was holding a weird container where smoke came from. After that, he couldn't breathe, Wesley and you came and he was admitted in ICU.
Angela : thank you, did you see the delivery man ?
Lucy : no, I was in the bedroom
Angela : okay, do you remember what the man you described as strange looked like?
Lucy : that's was a tall white male with a black hoodie and black sweatpants.
Angela : did you see his face ?
Lucy : almost not, he was wearing his hood
Angela : okay thank you, lieutenant Harper, do you have anything to add ?
Nyla : I don't
Angela : and you Mister Evers?
Wesley : I don't
Angela : okay, then the questioning is over

*Angela shuts down the audio recorder*

Lucy : what will happen now ?
Angela : we'll try to find him according to your description thank to cameras near the beach
Lucy : okay, Will this be admissible in court?
Wesley : we cannot file a complaint just on the basis of video surveillance, you will have to identify the man
Lucy : no problem. Do you still need me or can I go back to the hospital ?
Angela : it'll be good if you can help us find the man. Anyway, if anything happens with Tim, the hospital will call you
Lucy : yeah right

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