Chapter 41

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Angela : Rosalind Dyer, the serial killer who's already in jail ?
Stephen : yep
Angela : why did you do that ?
Stephen : because two other guys wanted to kill Lucy, but they failed and died...
Angela : we already know that part, continue
Stephen : Rosalind wanted Lucy dead. Since Bradford stopped Caleb and Chris from killing her, Rosalind asked me to kill them both in revenge.
Angela : take revenge for what? Lucy didn't do anything wrong
Stephen : for having sentenced her to prison
Angela : but Lucy works as a police officer for only 3 years and Tim was still in the army when she got arrested
Stephen : well, she didn't explain me everything, so I don't know. She promised to pay me for killing them

*After 1 hour 30 minutes of interrogation*

Angela : okay, we have finished now, you will be taken to pre-trial detention while awaiting your trial

*During the interrogation*

*Lucy wakes up, she doesn't feel good, she has a headache and is nauseous. She's completely tired. She cries in silence*

*After 10 min, she feels sick, she runs to the bathroom and throws up. Wesley sees her run, he follows her*

Wesley : *at the bathroom door* hey Lucy it's Wesley, you okay ?
Lucy : no *continues to throw up*

*She gets out*

Wesley : you don't look good at all, what happened?
Lucy : I don't know, I feel like crap
Wesley : maybe you can't digest your lunch
Lucy : *raises her shoulders*
Wesley : you should drink a little bit, wait for me in Tim's office, I'll grab something for you
Lucy : *nods*
Wesley : *comes back with some tea* here, drink this slowly
Lucy : thank you Wesley

*After 15 minutes, she goes back to sleep*

*While Angela is questioning Stephen Romanoff, Lucy throws up a couple of times*

*At the end of the questioning*

Angela : hey Wes, the questioning is over, he confessed, you know what ?
Wesley : what ?
Angela : he worked for Rosalind Dyer, so Tim's case is related to Lucy's case, it's in fact the same case
Wesley : everything is connected
Angela : yes, he wanted to kill Tim and Lucy to take revenge for Rosalind, as Chris and Caleb failed to kill Lucy
Wesley : she's really a sociopath
Angela : I think everyone already know that
Wesley : since I'm Lucy's lawyer, I could also be Tim's lawyer, I'm going to ask Lucy if she wants me to represent Tim too, it'd be easier in court if there is just one lawyer
Angela : yes you should do that
Wesley : speaking of Lucy, while you were questioning Stephen, Lucy wasn't well
Angela : *a bit worried* what was her problem?
Wesley : I don't know, she was pale and threw up several times
Angela : it might be indigestion
Wesley : that's what I thought
Angela : we can't let her be alone at her apartment
Wesley : that's what I was gonna say, we should bring her home and install her in the guest room
Angela : yep, let's go home now, we had enough for today

*They go to Tim's office*

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