- Two -

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  AN; not edited lol

"Time to rise and shine, my dear! It is a new morning, and I've made you some delicious breakfast!"

The cheerful voice of your host and current only friend trickled into the room, rousing you from your dreams. You blinked sleepily at him, not at all bothered by the way Alastor held his face far too close to your own, your sleepy vision almost entirely filled by his grin. You briefly wondered when the fuck he had even gotten there. You didn't need to know that he had been there for hours, watching you sleep and petting your soft, silky hair.

You yawned and stretched out your body as Alastor moved away, and you got up to follow him - only for him to very gently press you down back into sitting on the bed.

"Ah, ah, ah, my dear. One must get properly dressed before dining with others." He playfully waved a clawed finger in your face, and he must have taken the way your large, fluffy ears dropped as evidence of your annoyance because his smile widened as he eagerly turned towards your closest. Alastor was quick to choose an outfit of all red, the same shade resembling his own outfit that he often wore.

He approached you and laid the outfit down beside you before ruffling your hair, gently scratching at the base of yours as you purred and leaned into his touch. (yea bats can purr - how cool is that?!)

Alastor truly did adore you. Despite the malice that wrapped his heart, you had won him over and he hated it.

Alastor had long forgotten how it felt to have a weakness. Something that went against his very nature.

But as you nuzzled into his hand with closed eyes, so innocent and vulnerable, he had decided that perhaps it wasn't so bad to have someone by his side.

Alastor pulled away from you and chuckled, standing to his full height as he wandered off into another room. You smiled at his retreating form.

Despite the gore and violence he had introduced you to, Alastor wasn't a bad guy at all. You got changed quickly and eagerly headed for the kitchen. You sat in your seat, which was across from him. He was already sitting and widely smiling as you sat and he handed you a plate of pancakes.

You were quick to dig in, Alastor was an amazing cook, his meals far transcending the leftovers your human life mother often fed you. You still remember when Alastor had first brought you to his home, your terrified form and overly sensitive ears. How you had shivered and refused to eat anything. It took Alastor an otherworldly amount of patience and the help of his shadows to get a bite in you.

However, as soon as you tasted just how amazing his cooking was, you were quick to gobble up anything he gave you - something that immensely pleased the primal nature in him. Seeing you eat his food was riveting for him, but it was nothing compared to how cute you were when you fed him the first time.

It was about a week after you got here, and the two little nubs that were your fangs at the time ached something awful. You had awoken in sore pain that pulsates in your gums, and you had cried out in pain upon waking.

Alastor had almost immediately burst into the room, his smile wide and almost panicked as his wide eyes scanned you. When you softly hissed at him and curled up into yourself, he had sat by your side on the bed and summoned a book.

Had you been in any better state you would've giggled at the fact that the book was called, "Bat Tats - A Book on Bats."

The shape of your soft fluffy ears and the razor-sharp fangs led him to believe that you were a vampire bat, and needed blood at least once a week to properly survive. The ache in your gums was probably a combination of the growing of fangs and lack of blood.

Blood Lust (Yandere! Hazbin Hotel x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now