- Three -

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AN - not edited, so it has more grammer mistakes than an instagram comment section. Also, I know Vaggie is a fallen angel, but is she a moth too? I keep seeing people call her a moth lmfao

You had told Alastor that you would be patient, but that was starting to prove to be harder than you had originally thought. You were already well done and packed, and were now sitting on your bed, reading a book he had bought you last week. Normally, you would be perfectly complacent with an evening such as this - all curled up on your bed and reading the night away. However, you knew Alastor would be back any moment now, and you would have to go with him somewhere new.

Excitement bubbled in your gut, only for it to quickly be replaced with guilt. Truth be told, you were over the moon at the idea of getting to meet new people. You hadn't spoken to, much less seen anyone other than Alastor ever since your stay here in Hell began.

In all fairness, you didn't really need anyone other than Alastor. He provided all your needs and then some, but at the end of the day, Alastor was an overlord. He was busy and sometimes you had to be left alone. Those days scarred you, you hated being alone.

With this new development, perhaps those days of being alone would be reduced, and this possibility had you positively giddy.

A soft knock on the door interrupted your thoughts, it sounded three times before pausing. This was Alastor's silly little way of telling you it was him.

You giggled happily as you flew to the door, your bat wings beating softly as you opened the door for deer old Alastor. His smile widened at the sight of you, and his eyes softened just a tad.

"Hello, my little darling. Are you ready to go?"

You gave him an excited nod, your large and fluffy ears shaking slightly at how fast you were moving your head. Alastor chuckled his staticky chuckle and patted your ears, which had you purring loudly.

When Alastor pulled away from your soft ears you immediately flew to your room before flying back to him. You proudly showed off a vintage style suitcase that was filled to the brim with your stuff.

Alastor gave a pleased hum as he snapped his fingers and the vintage suitcase was suddenly gone. You pouted at him,finally landing on your feet as you stared at him with a dubious expression. Your face made Alastor absolutely cackle. You truly were such an entertaining treasure!

"Don't worry, Darling! I just went ahead and sent it on to your room at the hotel."

This only made your pout grow wider.

"Then, why did I pack if you were just going to teleport it all over there?"

Alastor chuckled once more and he booped your nose, laughter only rising as you crossed your eyes to stare at the offending claw.

"Because my dear, it is simply so much easier if it is all in one place."

He moved his claw to the back of your head and began to pet your hair while he softly purred.

"You're truly such a good little pet for me, aren't you Darling? So, so good for me."

His voice became slightly more staticky as it dropped an octave, and you had to hold in a slight gasp. God, he was hot, but you couldn't be thirsty for him. It felt wrong, and there was surely no way he would ever feel the same for you.

If only you knew that he did indeed feel the same way, that he felt so much more.

Alastor had never felt love, had never even wanted to feel it.

Blood Lust (Yandere! Hazbin Hotel x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now