Chapter 29 : Gordon has been kidnapped

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"This is our city. And when Hell is unleashed, we don't run and hide, we stand up. And there's a symbol, a symbol we all know stands for what we can do. What we are capable of. Tonight needs more than just one hero. It needs a city. It needs all of us. Tonight we need to do what he does for us every night. Tonight, we all need to be Batman."

— Jim Gordon


Snap... A window on the fifth floor of Ruby Cosmetics Company shattered suddenly, and Jude and Bruce jumped out of it.

"Can you do it?" Bruce asked.

"I'm Better than you!"

With a loud bang, Bruce landed on a car. Little Ford couldn't withstand such an impact; he was instantly squashed, and glass shattered to the ground.

Bruce turned his head to look at Jude, only to see him fall to the ground lightly as if he didn't use any strength at all.

"What I said is that I'm better than you!"

Bruce squinted his eyes. "Great shoes."


Immediately after the two, the Clay Face also jumped out of the building; his momentum was much greater, and his almost one-ton body instantly shattered the surrounding ground.

The remaining policemen, seeing this monster, chose to shoot directly without orders, and the intensive rain of bullets enveloped him. Unfortunately, bullets didn't have much effect on Clay Face; at best, they could only slow down his footsteps.

"Ah, get out of my way!"

The Clay Face screamed and threw a car directly into the police. At the same time, his two arms turned into mud and shook wildly.

In an instant, countless mud pips attacked the surrounding area like bullets. Many police officers were hit directly, pipe pierced through their bodies, and fell.

"Get out of the way if you don't want to die; I only want the lives of both of them!"

"It's all about Batman; I don't need anyone else."

Jude just uttered a word and suddenly felt a strong wind coming from behind. A police car hit him directly.

"FUCK FIRE truck, spray water on him."


Clay Face also noticed the fire truck, rolled up two police cars, and threw them over. With a bang, the fire truck was smashed to the ground.

Jude cursed silently, looked at Bruce next to him, and said, "Batman, I'll hold him; you go and let the water out."


The division of labor was complete; Jude no longer avoided and turned to face the Clay Face. The cryo gun fired continuously, and a series of ice rays shot at various parts of Clay Face's body.

"Is there only this ability? I have already said that it doesn't work on me!"

The Clay Face howled and shattered the frozen body parts, and the mud immediately returned to its original state after shaking.

Jude stared at him calmly and said, "It is invalid because the frozen area is not large enough. As long as you freeze all of it before it recovers, you will die."

The Clay Face paused when he heard the words, and then furiously said, "Then I will kill you first!"

With a flick of his arm, Jude was hit by countless mud pips.

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