Chapter 37 : Dinosaurs

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They arrived at night, and Damian carried the two girls to the Bat Cave.


Upon entering, the two couldn't help but exclaim.

"I doubt anyone would believe that one day I'd enter Batman's secret base and become a guest here," Ivy sighed.

"It's true; it's hard to imagine; the base is hidden in the grounds of Wayne Manor!" Firefly was also surprised.

Over there, Batgirl, who is also a female, approached first.

"Hello, I'm Stephanie; of course, you can also call me Batgirl."

The two shook hands with Stephanie.

"Hello, I am Ivy Pepper. You can also call me Poison Ivy."

"Bridgit or Firefly, it's up to you."

"Very well, welcome to the Bat Cave. With your presence, this place finally doesn't look so secluded and desolate."

Then the two women and everyone got to know each other, showcasing their abilities. Fortunately, Spitting fire is not a rare superpower.

In other words, anyone present can manage with an oxygen cylinder on their back.

But manipulating plants is different. They have never heard of such an ability.

"Ivy, to what extent can you manipulate plants now?"

Ivy shook her head and said, "I don't know. The most common thing is to induce mutations, turning them into aggressive plants. I haven't tried many other applications."

Stephanie continued to ask, "Can you use plants to gather information?"

"I don't know; I haven't attempted this before."

"Maybe you can give it a try. Abilities develop step by step, and you may have a chance soon."

Suddenly, Bruce's phone rang. It was Lucius, the logistics minister, who was sitting in the Wayne Building.

"Bruce, I retrieved the surveillance video of the entire Gotham and obtained the travel records of everyone at the airport, station, and even the subway over the past three days."

"Through the analysis of all incoming and outgoing population, I found a total of 500 people with suspicious identities."

"Their identity information shows that they are distributed in different areas of the country, but they all arrived in Gotham yesterday. These people are unrelated, but the final destination is all the same."

Bruce asked hurriedly, "Where is it?"

"Ace Chemical Plant!"

"Thank you, Lucius; let me know if you have anything."

Hanging up, Bruce looked at everyone and said, "Prepare for action; target the Ace Chemical Plant; everyone must be careful; our enemy is extraordinary."

The Bat family moved quickly. In just a few minutes, they had all changed into their uniforms, picked up their weapons, and headed straight for the chemical plant.

Ten minutes later, the two Batmobiles were parked not far from the chemical plant.

At this moment, Bruce's phone rang again. He thought it was Alfred or Lucius, but when he saw it, he realized that it was Sheriff Gordon.

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