17. Tea

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Isabella Rose

TW: sexual assault

It's been a week. I've barely been getting food. I mean they did give me food I just refuse to eat it.
But of course they force me to eat something so that I don't starve. I would much more prefer to starve than staying here actually.

Dante hasn't been here since our first talk. His balls probably still hurt. I laugh to myself.

I don't even know what time it is. All I do is eat and sleep. This room is almost empty. I'm sitting on a mattress on the floor watching the door. If it opens I need to prepare myself.
The guards gave me some new pants. At least they are human.

Tanya must be so worried now, she said she would call me every day and I haven't answered any of her calls because they took my phone.
I just hope she is fine.


Another hour passes by and the door opens.
"Since when do you have friends, I've told you to not have contact with anyone" Dante comes in with my phone in his hand. Showing me all the notifications I've got.

"Yeah you did tell me that, too bad I didn't listen" I say still seated on the mattress.

"She's been calling like a psycho" he says and I for once in my life feel important to somebody. "She will probably call the police soon when she realizes her friend that always answers suddenly stopped" I say trying to scare him. It kind of worked. He thinks for a few minutes.

"You'll call her and tell her that you are fine. Say you are safe, just make her stop" he says.

I get my hopes up. "If you start screaming for help or do something wrong I'll cut your finger off" he says. He pulls out a knife and grabs my wrist. Slamming my hand on the cold floor. He puts the knife at the middle of my pinky finger. I shake out of fear. One wrong move and I have no pinky finger on my right hand.

He starts calling and puts the phone on speaker. Please Tanya don't say something stupid now.


"Hi girl" I say while crying.

"Omg you scared the heck out of me, I thought you were dead!"

"I'm sorry, I have been so busy" I say and take a glance at Dante beside me. He's uncomfortably close and I just want to push him away.

Have you found a place to stay at?"

"Mhm..." I mumble as I get an idea. And gosh I hope it works.

"I'm safe don't worry, I'm actually in the kitchen drinking the Tea you gave me before I left" I say as Dante pushes the knife a little harder to remind me to hurry.

Tanya doesn't answer for a few seconds. Please don't expose me. "Ohhhh... yeah... was it good?" She asks and I let out a relieved breath.
Please send help.

"Yeah it was the best. Oh, sorry my roommate is calling now, I need to go but see you soon" I say as Dante hangs up.

He removes the knife from my hand and puts it in his pocket. I grab my hand and massage the fingers like it hurt.

"Good job. I was starting to think you forgot who owned you" he says and I make a disgusted face. He moves closer and grabs a small section of hair. He brings it to his nose and breathes it in. I don't dare to move. It's like I can't. Knowing he has a knife on him makes me even more scared. "I've missed this baby" he says pushing my face to look at him.

I immediately feel like I'm going back in time. When I look in his eyes I see all the times he broke me. Not once or twice it was for 3 whole years. He made me suffer and had fun while doing it.

"No! Back off" I say and push him back. "You will either make this easy for both of us or are you going to make this hard" he says with a devilish look in his eyes.

"I will never let you get to me again" I say and before I can do anything else he throws himself over me. I try to push him off but he's too heavy. He pins my hands down making me unable to hit him.
He pulls out the same knife as before and threatens me with it. "Take it all of." He demands. I freeze. I've never felt this helpless. If I yell no one would hear me. If I run I would not make it. If I kick him I'll be dead. "Please don't" I beg. He doesn't change his mind.

I close my eyes and cry. I bring my shaky hands to my pants and take them off. It's like I'm drowning in my tears.
He gets on top and enters me. He moves in and out as I keep my eyes closed. Soon this will be over.
I try to cover my ears to not hear the noises he makes.
"Fuck yea you're perfect baby" he says moving faster. It hurts so much. Knowing I am so fucking weak, to let him do this to me. He moans one last time and i can feel his cum all over my stomach.
When he's finished he leaves me on the floor naked.

"Behave next time and I'll be nicer" he says before closing the door and locking it.

I grab a piece of clothing from the floor and rub it on my stomach where he finished. I try to wipe it all away, so hard my skin gets red. I stay there sobbing until there is no tears left.

Love all of you!
Remember if you have ever been assaulted, it's never your fault!
And I'm always here if you need to talk!

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