31. Training

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Valentino Gray

I wake up before Isabella as usual. She's peacefully sleeping next to me. I can't stop looking at her.
I've never ever imagined myself in a relationship. But with her it feels so right. It has always been right.
A girlfriend. My enemies would laugh at me for giving my heart to a woman.
I'm the mafia you are not allowed to feel any type of emotion which is sick.

How could I ever push away my love for her. I will love Isabella till the day that I die and nothing can change that.
My heart is hers, and she can do whatever she wants with it.

Her eyes slowly open.
"Morning love" I say giving her a forehead kiss. She hugs my body. Mumbling something I can't hear.

"I don't want to get up" she says as I laugh. The only times I've ever slept a whole night is when she is with me. It's like medicine.

"We have things to do today, common" I say getting up. She's grumpy in the morning. Her cute puffy lips having a hard time speaking.

I get dressed as she is still in bed. "Are you still sleeping" I ask knowing she is half asleep.

"No. No I'm up see" she says barely able to open her eyes.

"Alright I'll leave without you then" I say knowing how she hates it when I'm gone.
She flies out of bed in a second.

"I'm coming with you to training, It'll take 10 minutes, just wait" she says.


When she is done my driver takes us to the training house. She's weak still and has to learn to defend herself.
I won't risk it again. She needs to learn how to fight, for the times I can't be there.

"I'm ready where do I start" she says jogging in place to warm up her body.

She prepares herself for the lesson ahead.
I have teached her a lot already but not enough. She has been practicing on the punching bags but never on people.
"You'll fight me today" I say standing in front of her.

"That's so unfair. You know you'll win" she says.

"Your job is not to win but to get one hit at me" I say. It sounds easy but I'm fast. My attacks and techniques are hard to get through.

She puts her fists up. "Ready?" I ask.
She nods concentrated. Her browns pinched together.
I circle her, my movements fluid and precise. She instantly drops her hands and turns around to me. "This is not going to work" she says already giving up.
"Focus, Bella. Keep your guard up." I instruct, encouraging her.
With a nod, Isabella steadies herself, mimicking my stance as best she can.
Good I've thought her right.

As we begin to spar, my strike comes fast and fierce, testing her reflexes and agility.
With each blow, Bella counter with determination. Determination by her desire to learn and protect herself.

Despite her efforts she is struggling to keep up with my skills.
But with each mistake she makes, I offer guidance and encouragement, never once letting her falter.

As the training session progress, Isabellas movements becomes more fluid, her strikes more precise.
With every exchange, she grows more confident, her determination burning bright within her.
But still no hit.

"Let's take a break" I say as she nods breathing heavily.

"Uuugh I'll never win" she says taking a seat beside me. She grabs my water bottle from me and drinks from it. Almost all of it.

"You can't think like that. Change the way you think and find a weakness in your opponent. When you find it it's easy" I say giving her all of my tricks.

"What is your weakness?" She asks. Like I would tell her that now.
I laugh.
"It's up to you to find out amore" I say getting back on my feet.

"Ready for another round?"

"More that ready" she says now actually believing in herself. Good.

This time there is fire in her eyes, a determination that burns brighter than before.
With a fierce cry she launches herself at me, her movements fueled by sheer determination.
I dodge her blows effortlessly, as I dance around her attacks.

I kick her leg and she falls to the floor. I did not kick that hard did I?

"That hurt" she says looking at her foot. Her breath coming in ragged gasps.
I go down to her level.
"I did not mean to..."
Then, in a moment of clarity, Isabella sees an opening. With lightning speed, she delivers a powerful strike, catching me so off guard and sending me staggering backwards.

She's on top of me as I lay on the floor.
For a heartbeat, the room is silent as I recover from the unexpected blow.

A grin spreads across my face, genuine admiration.
"Well done, Bella" I say, my voice filled with pride.

With a smile, Isabella holds her head high, knowing that she has finally won.
Then she kisses me as I give in right away.

She parts our lips slightly. "I figured it out..." She pauses looking at me with sparks in her eyes.

"Your weakness is me. I'm your weak spot" she says.

I smile as I nod.
She finally got it. Smart woman.
If she keeps looking at me with those eyes I think my heart might burst out.
"You got it" I say as she kisses me again.


I drop off Isabella at home and go out for some work. We don't get too far when all of a sudden my driver stops.

"Boss there is a man blocking my way" he says. I get out of the car and make my driver and the other guard follow me out. For protection.

Fucking hell.

It can't be.

How can he show his face here again, after what we did to him and his men. Dante Wyatt. That fucker.

"We finally meet again Valentino Gray. And this time I'm prepared" he says with a smirk on his face.

"I do not have time for your pathetic speech" I say keeping my hand in my pockets. His guards surrounding him. It's obvious he's scared of me and I like it.

"I don't think you heard me. I've prepared myself for months, I'm going to kill each one of you and get my revenge" he says as I chuckle.

"You wish" I say as I grab my gun.

This was a short chapter, sorry!

I don't think any of you are prepared for the next chapter...
Anyways see you soon ;)

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