chapter 7

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The lights in the county magistrate's mansion were already lit, eagerly awaiting their arrival.

Once Yuan Li returned to his mansion, he felt as if he had returned to his natural habitat, far more at ease than in the Chu Wang mansion. He took it upon himself to take care of his guests and made proper arrangements for Chu Hechao and his entourage.

After paying his respects to his parents, Yuan Li dragged his weary body back to his bedroom.

As soon as he entered the room, he put away his smile.

Yuan Li was a cheerful person, with round and gentle eyes. When he smiled, he appeared sincere and amiable, making it hard for people to maintain their guard. But when he didn't smile, a heavy air of authority weighed down on those around him, with traces of sharpness revealed between his eyebrows.

The three servants in front of him couldn't help but feel uneasy.

Yuan Li suddenly spoke, "Guo Lin, Wang Er wanted to see me?"

Guo Lin replied, "Yes. This is the message that came from the farm manager four days ago."

Yuan Li continued, "He said he has something to tell me that he won't tell anyone else except me?"

Guo Lin was puzzled but nodded in confirmation.

Yuan Li then turned to Zhao Ying, who was bold and meticulous, responsible for gathering information and handling discreet matters for him. He asked, "Did anything unusual happen when Wang Er arrived at the farm?"

Zhao Ying cautiously replied, "There were no unusual incidents. Only on the fourth day, he took a half-day off."

Yuan Li rubbed his temples, finally revealing a bitter smile and muttered to himself, "This is bad. The premonition is getting worse."

When Yang Zhongfa initially tested him at noon, he indeed didn't sense anything amiss. However, when Yang Zhongfa mentioned that the goods were robbed near Ruyang County, Yuan Li instantly became alert and connected many things in a short moment.

On the surface, he pretended not to know and continued to chat and laugh with Yang Zhongfa.

Chu Hechao appeared unfriendly from the moment he saw him, likely harboring suspicions. In addition, the recent request from Wang Er to meet him made Yuan Li believe that the stolen goods might have been taken by Wang Er and his group.

Yuan Li began to rub his temples again. "Guo Lin, arrange for me to visit the farm tomorrow and meet Wang Er."

Since the mansion was filled with Chu Hechao's people, it wouldn't be appropriate for Wang Er to come and see him.

Guo Lin acknowledged his order.

The next morning, instead of immediately heading to the farm, Yuan Li went to his study and found his father, Yuan Song. He handed over the written plan for establishing a soap workshop that he had prepared the previous night.

Yuan Song received it with confusion and lowered his head to read. After a moment, he stood up abruptly, unable to hide his astonishment. "This... This is, Li Er, do you really have something called 'soap'?"

Yuan Li nodded, and Yuan Song suddenly became breathless. He quickly walked to the door, checked left and right, and hurriedly closed the windows.

After doing all this, he returned to the table, lowered his voice, and his face turned red. His beard trembled as he said, "This 'soap' is truly white and smooth as jade, with its own fragrance? It can remove dirt and make the skin smooth and delicate, refreshing the person using it?"

Yuan Li nodded again.

After taking several deep breaths, Yuan Song's astonishment turned into great joy.

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